Saturday, February 25, 2012


I had lots of time to browse through all the books at Chapters on Thrusday waiting for dad to join me.  I thought I would choose something appropriate for us both, so I ignored the reliion section and the mystery ilse and thought I had found the perfect book.  "The End of Illness".   Just what the doctor ordered or so I thought.

Dad was impressed when he started to read and even started underlining and then decided to look it up on goggle where all the comments were negative and very negative.  I would have taken it back otherwise.  But all hope is not lost we may gain some knoeledge but I think I will stick to the areas I know.

Windy and cold this morning so I will wait and see if the morning improves.

I am still reading the gospel of Mark and I realize how great Jesus was at asking questions and not answering them.  "Which is easier to say to the paralytic your sins are forgiven or take up your bed and walk?  This question has puzzled biblical scholars for centuries.

I believe disillusionment and hopelessness can be very paralyzing so the forgiveness of sin freed the man to be able to believe he could be set free and healed. 

He continues to ask questions as he heals the man with the shriveled hand on the Sabbath asking "Which is lawful on the Sabbath; to do good or to do evil, to save a life or to kill?"

The law can be good when it offers restoration and rest but if it becomes a way that enslaves and demands obedience to prove worthiness it becomes legalistic and will shut certain people out.  I see in Jesus so much wisdom, so much strength, so much power that flows from his love especially for the sick and the poor and the outcasts.  Too powerful and too popular!

It would seem by his actions and questions that the shadow of the cross is falling across the path of Jesus early in his ministry.

Why do I work at trying to prove that I am a good person, because I do.  I want to do what is right but I will always make mistakes.  I am thankful for the grace of forgiveness that allows me even to forgive myself.  I have been for my walk and struggled against the wind when it blew in my face but delighted in it when it pushed me along.

There were many other choices I could have made.  In books or other items.


Anonymous said...

still hot here should break tonight,hot northerly wind and a high fire danger.How bad can the book be?? i guess you cant take it back because dad did some highlighting.

beth bennett said...

Dad is reading it and I think there are some good pointers in it.

I think you are hotter than Brisbane is that right.

The worry about fires is bad.

Makes where we live seem very good.

love mom