Saturday, February 18, 2012


Yesterday was a fun day.

What a surprise when this basket arrived with so many goodies for dad on his birthday,  It is so pretty it seems a shame to open it up but I usually find a way to sneak in the back.  It is great fun to have surprises!

It was good it arrive just before we were going out to the church for a special valentine/s tea.  I had a special plate of cheese and crackers and fruit just for me.  Yes, I am spoilt.  The ladies at the church make such beautiful goodies, from scones to shortbread cookies and lemon squares and tarts.  I must admit it is tempting but I know that I will pay for it if I give in to temptation. 

I guess that is the thing with temptation that you always end up paying for it in the end.  So the solution to not let that cloud of self-pity form around me I take things with me or I come home and bake myself a cake!

Temptation can also be doubting who you really are and feeling a sense of self-rejection and unworthiness which has nothing to do with our success in life or our popularity.  Accepting the unconditional love that is the gift of grace frees us from our self-doubts.

It was fun to hear the stories of people going on dates and meeting the people they married.  Our story could have been driving from Regina to Moose Jaw to Saskatoon in a raging blizzard.  We started out with a flat tire and then drove into huge snow drifts and complete white out conditions.  They were urging people to turn off at a small town about half way and go to the hotel but we though we should not go to a hotel being not married!  I believe we were the only car that made it all the way.  It was very frightening but of course your dad is a good driver from the prairies.

We are going to a gospel concert Saturday night, to-night and to-morrow night there is a birthday party for the three of us that have birthdays in Feb.  More cake and goodies but I will be prepared.

The family is coming here about one on Sunday and we are happy Theresa and Mikie, Ben and Morgan will be here two.  The more the merrier.  Things will be simple so we can all enjoy just having fun.

There is also a thank you dinner next Friday for volunteers at the Nursing home but there again I wonder about the food.  I guess I should ask "what are you serving?"  Or I will let them know I cannot ear wheat and find out if that is a problem.

Last night we had a walk around the block after the heavy rain stopped and it did both dad and I good except his feet complained a bit.  All in all a fun day!  Sunday will be fun too!

There were three more tables loaded with good goodies. No wonder dad was tempted.

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