Thursday, March 1, 2012


I was nearly late for the doctors I was so busy scrubbing and getting clean in the bathtub, and after all that I did not even have to take my clothes off.  Not that that is unusual at the doctors these days they look at their papers and rarely touch you.  I often leave wondering was that an exam?

Jesus continues to have problems with the teachers of the law and  the religious  leaders over the laws of cleanliness.  His disciples were accused of eating food with unclean hands because they did not wash using a spiritual ritual not unlike a surgeon.  We do not see individuals as unclean morally or as defiled and evil.  We are more likely to see human nature as basically good, and that we do not have to prove to God or others we are worthy, lovable and valuable.

Jesus points out that uncleanliness is what is on the inside of us.  It is a matter of the purity of the heart.  External changes can still leave the soul untouched. 

This is what is wrong with religion is that while appearing to be good I am still  l be self-absorbed and self-centered.  In the words of Dr. Phil what where you thinking.  We cannot get rid of the barbarisms
and cruelty by fighting and killing.

"Barbarism is not behind us it is within us.
Lord David Cecil.

Religion along with social structures and education or politics have only proved to disillusion us.
So it is not the rituals or even the good deeds but deep inner spiritual cleansing that is needed.  There is a time when prayerful confession is cleansing and learning to let go of bitterness and anger is healing.

Now I must confess I slipped out the bath salts from the "basket" because I believe that they were for me.  I still enjoy a good soak in the tub.  Thanks Ken and Melina.

There is frost on the roof tops this morning and the road looks very icy
  Not a good day for driving.  The litttle spring flowers look pretty sad this morning.

Off visiting today,


Anonymous said...

Has dad let you open the basket yet, or did you have to sneak the bath salts out and rearange the rest so he would not notice? Did you bring your folic acid? downstairs so you remember to take it? The roads were very slippery on the drive in today, but that did not stop the idiots from driving like idiots. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Yes the Bath Salts were for you.
Taking Matty to school , he is better,Jasmine now has the cold !!!

Anonymous said...

You never know what the doctor will want to do, so better to be prepared for everything!

Yes, Jesus was against all those silly rules, wasn't he!!!! Good old Jesus



Anonymous said...

Nausea and vomiting result from magnesium, potassium, and niacin deficiencies. Indigestion results from thiamin deficiency.

More vitamins for you to take mom. But so far I am doing better at having answers then your specialist. So take your vitamins! Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

I am so glad Sandra is helping you with your nutrition Beth.....I have been an advocate of natural health, using a healthy diet of mainly protein, fruits and vegetables and some supplements for many years. It really works! Doctors are not taught nutrition in North America, but in the U.K. they are well versed and the Queen and her family are great believers in it. I use a book called Prescription for nutritional healing by James F Balch M.D......many health food stores use it as well.I am healthy at 68 and don't take any prescription drugs and I credit it to natural medicine. I see a natural health doctor on occasion and have a medical doctor as well. Are you still taking digestive enzymes? Boy...if I didn't take two at each Celiac symptoms would flare up in an hour or so. I recommend you see a good naturepathetic doctor to put you o the right path. You wil be amazed at the difference. Dr. Owen Schwartz M.D. and a naturapathic doctor was who I saw in Winnipeg, and after the MB health care stopped paying for his patients...he moved to Vancouver. He was extremely knowledgable...maybe he is still in practice! I hope this helps, love, Nancy