Tuesday, March 27, 2012


What if I had been born to other parents in another place and time?

What if I had not gone skating that day when I was  shoved into the boards by dad, who became the love of my life?  Did he think he was playing hockey?

What if my parents had not moved in the middle of my grade 12 year to Regina away from Saskatoon, from my friends and the school I wanted to graduate from?

What if  I had not believed as a child with a very strong faith?

What if I had not changed and learned more about what I should or should not believe?

What if I had not listened to the voice in my head telling me to go to Dr. Horan who diagnosed me as celiac?

What if dad and I had not gone to that wild and crazy emotional Vineyard Church with the up beat music and the laying on of hands prayer?

We would not have helped in the nursery where we met Tavia and her mom and eventually became good friends with each one of the children.  I helped Cathy with Gracelyn from the day she brought her home.  With Sandra and her family gone to Edmonton and Carol and I having a few relationship problems I was glad to help.

What if I had not met Carolyn through dad introducing me to her and then it was through her I was able to get in to be a patient of Dr. Nolte?  Who insisted I needed a complete check up and discovered the Cancer in my lung before it had spread.

What if instead of finding love and freedom I had found that Christianity stifled my creativity and growth?  My life needed a sense of purpose and help in finding the real me.

What if we had not worked through some difficult issues in our marriage? 

What if I had not found such great friends at Colebrook Church who always have believed in me?

A lot of what ifs have made me me! !


Anonymous said...

Yes, and the older we get the more "what if's" we accumulate. Makes it daunting at times when faced with decisions. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

You are so right Beth....the choices we make often dictate the direction our life goes. Sometimes I wonder "what if" too!