Sunday, March 11, 2012


Dad enjoys the view
I enjoy taking pictures

Bike riders do some very dangerous unbelieveable stunts
Dad took me on his long walk to places I had never seen before.
He thinks he is walking a bit better.

Saturday I was on my computer when a transformer made a huge bang and the power went off.  I took a walk around to see if there had been any accidents but appeared not.

Then there was a nice surprise when Sandra phoned to invite us out to a classie restaurant for dinner.  We were celebrating Randy's good news.  Sandra had looked up all the gluten free things at the place so I had lots to choose from.  A very enjoyable evening and Sandra looked especially beautiful and Randy was in good form too.  It was fun to dress up a bit and do something different.

I read a bit more from "Losing My Religion" and I think he did a great job exposing some of the disgusting and dishonest things done in the name of religion.  I do not know how these people live with themselves. 

I will always believe in the power of prayer that unless you have felt the comfort of people praying for you it may be hard to see what good it does.  Trying to prove or disprove is tricky.

I started out my Christian life very hopeful, excited and wide eyed.  I would soon find out that faith may appear to promise happiness but this only happens with hard work and painful self-examination.
It takes courage to learn how to be happy and how to live a Christian life-style.

Religion should be about love as Jesus said in  Mark 12

I should not have a stomach ache on Sunday morning but I do.


Anonymous said...

I think you are very right. Religion, in most of its manifestations, is a social and cultural endeavour. It can be good and it can be bad. In the end, it has very little (but not quite nothing) to do with God. As you say, the search for an understanding of the nature of God is an inward journey. Rather perilious at times.

The good news about all this that when religious officials do bad things, which, being human, they often do, it has nothing to do with God, it does not reflect on Godness. The bad news is that simply showing up and sitting in the comfortable pew, or going through any religious ritual, has no impact on the search for God. So all the silly muslims praying in arabic five times a day whatever language they, the silly christians taking the communion, or the silly jews wearing funny clothes and praying like neurotic roosters, etc., etc., are just wasting their time. At least as regards God. It may do them a lot a good in the cultural/political/social world in which they live.



Anonymous said...

Leah is here now. She starts school on Monday morning.


Anonymous said...

Randy had a stomach ache this morning too, it must have been something from last night. Sandra

Anonymous said...

sounds like a good night out.