Wednesday, March 28, 2012


A young boy about 12 tears ago ran across in the middle of the road on a wet and dark evening.  He is still remembered with love by family and friends.  Very sad.

It annoys me as I still see people, especially, elderly people crossing the road in the middle of the street when the signal lights are not that far ahead.

I can ignore the left-overs piling up in the frig. for several weeks and end up with a smelly mess.  Why do I keep left-overs that I probably won't use.

When I am up very early, even earlier than usual, the thought crosses my mind I could go back to bed and to be honest I have a few times; but I know the walk will make me feel better if I do it.

I can choose to worry and be anxious and not take time to pray, I know that prayer does help calm me and that I should pray more and worry less.

It seems so much easier to eat cookies than to make a salad, then wonder why I feel tired.

If I do not do my Bible study for our meeting today I will not get as much out of the study as I would if I do and think about my own answers first before I go.

We do not always agree with the answers to the questions but there is freedom to express opinions that are received with charity and warmth.  I understand that evangelical churches believe in the deity of Christ, the infallibility of the Bible and the importance of spiritual commitment and rebirth.

Yet I am responsible for what I believe and for the moral standards necessary for being fully human.  I believe that when it is our choice any restrictions I may feel are in fact liberating.  The young man who dashed across the road made a costly error.  I have made many unwise choices and I am thankful for the power of mercy and forgiveness.

We can say that every person has the right to define right and wrong.  We are then forced to admit that we see some people making some very disturbing choices that not only affect themselves but others.

I believe that when I say I love some one enough to marry them then I will loose some of my Independence in order to gain greater intimacy, security and an awareness of the needs of another.

Love anything (or anybody or any animal) and there is a risk that you will be hurt and maybe taken advantage of.  Jesus Christ became a limited human being, vulnerable to suffering and death so that the love of God could take on human form.  Jesus lived with love in his heart but also with truth which can be tough love.

The other day I had another fall in the garden and felt so foolish and must have looked like a real geek trying to get up again.  I should learn not to argue with big rocks.  Today will b e raining again and the grass will keep growing and growing.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of consequences, did dad tell you I sent him something about taking Tylenol and Asprin together. The answer is a definate no. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Yes dad did but he has his own opinion and thinks it is about the smaller amounts are okay.

that sure fit in with consequences though.

love mom

Anonymous said...

I don't know why I keep leftovers either. I never seem to eat and then