Wednesday, March 21, 2012


A journey into the past for me.

Nearly 100 ladies from about 12 churches gathered to share stories and memories of the last 50 years when our group became the United Church Women.  When my mother attended years earlier it had been a missionary group who helped make meals and serve food at special events and also helped with the cleaning.

I have found it such a great blessing to belong to our group of close friends who share your joys and sorrows.  There was lots of laughter as one after another shared some of their favorite memories.  An offering was taken to help the Morogoro Women's Centre in Tanzania, Africa.

For me it was like being hugged by my mom who had belonged for so many years.  I knew that she valued the friendship of all her dearest friends.  As a child I did not realize how important these gatherings were to and would some times wished she had stayed at home.  And yes there were the cookies baked not for us but for the church.

We do not choose our families, but the experiences of growing up in them mark us for life.

Today Theresa, Ben and Morgan are dropping by to visit us on the way to Salt Spring Island to visit Grandpa Ron and Grama Donna.  They will have great fun there in the farm like atmosphere with baby lambs and chicks.

After this gathering we would share the experience of saying good-bye at the graveside of one of our faithful members.  Mary loved to knit and I have gives many of her little sweaters to new babies.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I sure miss my church freinds. I am very lucky that all the young girls here at work include me in everything, I think they allmost forget most times I am the same age as their mothers, until I say "back in my day" : )

Shandel said...

that is because you are so hip and cool. I wish you were closer to us here or that we were closer to you there....i enjoyed spending time with you while we were there at Christmas Sandy!