Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Reflecting on honesty.

Honesty is a good quality especially when you trust the person to be honest.
It is also good to help us face our short comings; but also there needs to be compassion.
Living in a world where we face all the problems around us can be exhausting.

In the book "Losing My Religion" William is honest about the horrible mess he has made of his life.
He had been forced to attend church until he was 17 and had been turned off religion.
His good friend tells him he needs to go back to church.  He does and after several years has a born-again experience when he realizes his faith is more in his head than his heart.

Through the time of testimony at a retreat he hears that men should not keep their pain bottled up inside.  He repeats the sinner's prayer along with others and as he writes, "He experienced what I would call a vision.  Time slowed.  In my mind's eye my heart opened into halves, and a warm, glowing light flowed right in."

I honestly believe that people can have visions and experience emotional responses to prayer.
This is not enough to enable a person to live a Christian lifestyle as problems and hurtful experiences will still be very real to us..  And although a lot of Christian teaching is straight forward:  Love the Lord with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself,
honor your wife, Be open and honest.  Take care of the poor.  Forgive even your enemies.  We all fail as the Bible says we are all sinners and need forgiveness.  Each day brings new challenges.  I know that I need moments when I feel lifted out of the ordinary, whether it is just a moment seeing my first lady bug in the garden or times in church when a word or a song touches something deep within me.
Little moments that nourish and strengthen me and remind me of God's love.

Jesus takes Peter, James and John up to the mountain top where they see his glory, his divine radiance,
with the presence of Elijah (the prophet) and Moses (the Law) appearing.  Just as soon as they come down from the mountain they see a demon possessed boy throwing himself to the ground.

On that mountain top Jesus was being affirmed again by a heavenly voice in the clouds and was strengthened for what lay ahead of him.  Evil had to be confronted and would demand sacrifice.

Dad enjoyed a good day in the park taking pictures.  Then Leah came for a visit.  She looked like she was having pain and anxious about her move to Kamloops.  She has had some good people helping her here so we hope all goes well for her.  She has had enough misery for one life time.

Today dad is going out with his old friends from C.A.T. and my neighbor Rosanna has asked me to go out for lunch with her.  I am hoping the day is sunny.

And I did not get the book from the new library but just our old place.


Anonymous said...

I know compassions is a good thing, and obviosly when it comes to stray cats I have no problem with it, it just seems that for people though we can get so caught up in being kind and nice and all that other stuff the honest and real gets so buried and we are left with? I think a lot of pressure to be even more unreal our selves? Dont know. Just I dont think we should be so afraid to be honest. Like my freinds daughter who died yesterday, just one week younger then Mary. After the first rush of disbelieve and shock and sadness was "thank god it wasnt my daughter" "thank god that all those drives they do in Ontario never ended like this" And is that wrong? Well, the part about thanking god maybe since I no longer believe in him! Sandra

beth bennett said...

I think honesty is a good thing in general.

I think being thankful is always a good thing.

I am praying for Leah to have a safe trip.

I hope that God continues to believe in us even when we do not believe in him.

What a sad day for you.

love mom