Sunday, March 25, 2012


Felt like spring arrived yesterday with the lovely warm sunshine and what a surprise to find this little pansy blooming in among the bushes.

I like to think of spring as a time of new hope and new life.

Reading the news of the children being sexually abused in Cambodia just sickens me.  I am glad that some are being rescued but others are living lives of heartbreaking cruelty.  Greed must be one of the worst sins. What is the deep pain within those who commit this acts?

I wish this world could be free of all pain and suffering, whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual;
.this was the burden that Jesus carried to the cross freely dying a bloody death so that others would be free.
I was tempted to buy the book "The Hunger Games" but did not.  I am not sure just what it is about but cruelty seems to be apart of the games.  Fighting to the death?   It is I believe about others giving their lives for others,

 I think it is about teen-age angst but the thing is that angst is apart of all the stages of our lives.

Then I think how lucky I am to live in by neighborhood where children are out playing and riding bikes and neighbors are chatting as they wash cars and cut the lawn and work in the yard.  Life seems so normal the way it should be.

I am lucky to have a daughter, Sandra, who delight people at work dancing with ribbons!

Dad and I enjoyed a delicious dinner cooked by Sandra and Randy and having a visit with Leah and Craig.  Our world needs more music so keep playing Craig!  We admired the beatiful paintings by Nancy-Lou and the awesome chocolate cake Randy made.  Receipe from Mandy!

Today is church, rest, graduation tea, rest and discussion group.

All the young people in our family are amazing!


Anonymous said...

WE are so lucky to have close and caring families amazing grandchildren! and good friends. Jane.

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear spring has finally arrived. it's cool but sunny here. I am working all of Easter weekend.