Saturday, March 31, 2012


Enchantment is a smile in your heart and wonder at the beauty of life.
  Knowing there is a deeper mystery that I know my soul hungered for and I believe
is hidden within us all.

Yes before we became so scientifically minded the world was that of enchantment; rocks and trees, rivers and clouds all seemed wondrously alive and even seem to speak in mysterious ways.  I still remember the yellow rose that bloomed even  when the weather turned cold.  It was just after mom's death and yellow roses were her favorite.  God speaks into my life in many ways that fill me with wonder!

Enchantment has always been a part of my life of faith.

"The more we assert our will to control (the world and others), the more we enter the dark night in which the holy and creative power-to-be are pushed out of existence and our need to appreciate life is pushed aside.  God and spiritual experience are not only argued out of life, they become invisible and we become simply indifferent to them."  I m reading "A rumour of God"  by Robert C. Sibley

I seem to be caught up in a world of disenchantment.  Freud argued that any notion of nature's beauty and grandeur as the immanent manifestation of God is merely a psychological projection of man's infantile longings.

Science and technology has become the god that we bow down to because this is where the money and power is now.  Of course in a purely intelligent world we have become indifferent and alienated from the Creator.

I think God must laugh when we discover what he or she knew all along.

An old Jewish proverb teaches that words that come from the heart enter the heart!  Wow!
I find words enchanting as well as music and art and quiet walks in the early morning with the air so fresh and clean and the world so still.

Dad had a bike ride yesterday although  flat tire spoilt his plans but his nose is still running so it was probably good he did not got to far.  I did grocery shopping and went to the library.  It is amazing that I am the healthy one now!

Dad is actually feeling better this morning.  He is up making breakfast and I will go for a walk later!


Anonymous said...

Miserable day for a walk, have chili cooking on the stove since it feels like winter out and I just want to warm up. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Clocks back last night. end of daylight savings here. Making the kids pancakes and leaves at work beautiful and sunny here . that should read Melina at work lol