Thursday, March 15, 2012


Yesterday was cold and windy and light wet snow.  This is an old picture taken a few weeks back in New Westminster but it could have been yesterday.

Dad and I had planned after our seniors breakfast with Jane and Geof that we would go shopping for groceries.  It is a funny thing that going shopping when you are very hungry is not good neither is it when you feel full and a little tired.  So we put it off until after he had his walk in the forest.  At least the weather in among those big trees can be calmer and much more relaxing than walking along the side walk where I go daily.  And there certainly are some big trees!

Although some big trees in Stanley Park had been blown down in the big wind storm it did not seem to affect our park.  Yesterday dad had to be very aware of where he was walking because there were so many wet streams.

Can ignorance be a blessing?

I was certainly unaware of the negative opinions about religion when I was growing up.  I am trying to become more aware of what the critics are saying.  I realize that there is much value in what is being said and written.  I always believed that God heard my prayers and would help me when I asked; even when I went through some tough times.

I have been made aware of the negative feelings that people today have towards both the church and the Holy Bible.  Is the church out of touch with the rest of the world?  Is the church full  of hypocrites?
Many are resisting what they feel is the oppressive authority of the church.

"Is there any wonder there are atheists when the church behaves so abominably?"  -Voltaire

"Infantile neurosis in God as a delusion based on a need for a father-figure?"   Freud

Well I am now aware of the debate that has reached new heights with authors like Christopher  Hitchens, Sam Harris,  and Richard Dawkins to name a few.

I am well aware of the lack of absolute proof of God's existence but I still think there are many good reasons to believe the church has much to offer us and challenge us if questions are always encouraged. 

I say let's leave the door open to the Holy Spirit!

I am going to a funeral this morning for a friend's mom; it is in Burnaby am I thankful Jane is driving


Anonymous said...

My back yard is quickly becoming a mud pit from all the rain. This time of the year it is impossible to keep the kitchen floor clean.I hope the funeral service is all indoors, still miserable out today. Sandra

Anonymous said...

big storms here yesterday, airport closed with lightning.Made the day busy for me.Two days off now.

craig decraene said...

Hi gramma, Leah's says she ordered you some multi vitamins... She will be bringing them next weekend. But not like this weekend... The weekend of the 24th...

beth bennett said...

Did not check comments until this morning too tired when I got home.

Seems there are storms everywhere. Ken you will be glad to have time off.

I was sorry to hear about the death of Melina's dog. Pets mean a lot to us.

Thanks Craig I will sure give them a try.

Love to all.