Wednesday, March 14, 2012


A cold morning walk which took extra effort on my part, the trees are bare and disolute looking, but there are always pictures that capture my heart and reward me for my effort.  So my mood changes from one of disenchantment to wonder.

These flowers are bravely blooming on this cold spring morning.  I am feeling brighter already.

I love the color of these little crocuses.
As I kneel to take this picture I rediscover wonder and delight.
All these plants have been lying dormant all winter long.
They know it is time to wake up and bloom.   Delightful.

I  am reading in Mark where Jesus is trying to tell his disciples about his giving up of his life as a ransom.  They refuse to hear his words and the cross is a very difficult reality for us to face and understand.

Remember Lily Potter, the mother of Harry Potter?  The evil Lord Voldemort tries to kill Harry but cannot touch him.  Why Harry asks Dumbledore?  "Your mother died to save as powerful as your mother's love for you leaves its own mark.  Not a scar, no visible sign.....but to be loved so deeply.....will give us protection forever."
From "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone by J. K. Rowling

We know from experience that sacrifice is at the heart of real love.

Off for a walk with Gundy and then to Zeller's to have coffee with Jane and Geof.


Anonymous said...

At least there was no wind yesterday, that made the cold not quite so bad. Did my window boxes in yellow blue and red flowers to make it seem more springy.

nancy-Lou said...

Great pictures Beth.....even in cold or rainy weather you manage to find colour and beauty. You are so faithful to your blog....I tried to write one and didn't follow through as you do. By the time I have my first cup of tea...usually around 8am often have your blog posted...and you are 2 hours behind us. That is faithfulness.I see you have another storm rolling in....we are having extremely warm weather...16 today, and a predicted 25 for Saturday. The snow is melting like crazy...leaving ugly brown and greys in Winnipeg from all the salt and sand on the streets.BUT the geese and crows are back!
Have a great day. Love Nancy