Friday, March 2, 2012


A feast of flours!

Making a simple muffin requires a lot of different flours for me.  I am a very sloppy measurer which is why things do not always turn out as good as they should.

I dreamed of food last night but I forget what the dream was about exactly.  Every day meals have to be planned and this can be oh so tiring.  Even eating out is not so much fun when you have to eat gluten-free as dad found out early in his three days of being off gluten.

One of the hard sayings of Jesus occurs when he is confronted by a gentile woman who begs for her daughter to be healed.  "First let the children eat all they want,"  Jesus told her," for it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs."  His words are hard but was there a twinkle in his eyes?.

Dogs were scavengers in the culture of the New Testament and Gentiles were often referred to as dogs

Her response amazes Jesus as she replies in the same manner declaring that yes that is true but even dogs must be fed.  She has understood the message of the kingdom better than those Jesus has been trying to teach.  She knows that Jesus is good and out of that goodness will come food for all; his provision for the disciples and Israel will be abundant enough for one such as herself.

Jesus is inviting us to a feast not a funeral!  Jesus invites us to find joy in life!
No matter what others may say about us Jesus' love with be there. 
There are times when I feel spiritually hungry so I need to take time to pray.

Today Jane and I will be taking part in the World Day of Prayer and after there will be an abundance of food.  Yes, I will take my own.  We read out the prayers written by the people of Malaysia and learn a bit  about this colorful country.

There was a  huge book sale in White Rock with books for a dollar.  I was tempted.  It would have been a great feast! 

I believe that there is enough food in the world to feed us all if we could only share and distribute it.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I think that was the book sale I wanted to go to. Did you get the message on Facebook, I found more stuff about what vitamins you need to be taking, oh, AND DONT TAKE 4 PILLS!!! You need to take them for the rest of your life so do it properly, take what ever the bottle says unless your Dr specifically told you something different. I will nag you more on Saturday. Love Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Those various flours in the picture look familiar....same as what I use. I found a really scrumptious boxed biscuit mix made by Duinkerken. They are so tender and taste like scones. I can load up the butter and jam mmmmmmm!
I buy it at the Bulk Barn in Winnipeg. Do you have a Bulk Barn in your neighborhodd? That's where I buy my dried fruit and is a great place. They carry a good selection of celiac flours and pastas as well as other boxed mixs. Perhaps you already know about them Beth.
love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

No Nancy-Lou I don't but I can find out what I can here.
Always learning new things,
love beth