Saturday, March 24, 2012


I have no doubts that I will be safe when I go out in the dark.  Although now that it is lighter in the morning that only happens if I wake up extremely early.  I wish that I could sleep longer but that seems doubtful.  It is amazing by the time I walk through the park the light is dawning.  It felt so much warmer yesterday and it must be spring because my eyes are itchy and my sinus a little plugged.

Came home yesterday and worked in the garden most of the morning.  Have to decide what to put in my window boxes.  Dad has a big job to fix the pump on both are ponds; they get clogged with stuff.
Yes, dad did go for a bike ride and after came home and we had lunch outside.

Then I had a nap and he worked on getting our blogs published.  I hope some one in the family will want one.  Shirley, the lady that Chris stayed with loves to read our blogs.  She is a real character and very talkative.

It is wonderful to see the first flowers blooming.  It is too early to tell which plants will not bloom because the winter has killed them.  With a garden there is always some thing to do.  Today I will cut the grass when dad goes out to lunch with the men to White Spot.

Dad and I went for a walk in the woods about 5 and the sun looked lovely shining through the trees.
I love the pattern the gap in the trees with the sun shining through create.  There were still some puddles and squishy grass we walked through. 
No dogs running around on the greens but the eagles were flying over head.

The growth of our churches has been looking doubtful but with our new minister we are seeing new faces which is good.  I believe that "Spirit" that refers to the breathe of life is what gives religion it's meaning and purpose.  The role of church is often to articulate with words and art and music the struggle to find ways to express our faith.

For me this helps make sense of a world in which there are so many cruel and senseless acts

I continue to say my prayers and find comfort in scripture and inspiration on my walks and attending church.  I do not need to have answers to the doubts that arise because I trust that God is somehow at work in all our lives..  I want to believe in the power of hope and the redeeming quality of love!


Anonymous said...

Randy and I worked in our yard yesterday too, more planned for today. Wondering if you want to come over for dinner, will call later when I know I wont wake dad up if you are out walking. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Lunch on the deck! Isn't is wonderful to welcome spring. We are going to look for crocus's in the woods behind our house today. Our spring is awfully early and I think we will still "pay for it" with some cold and snow. Interesting pictures Beth, The night scene looks like the road paved in gold in the Wizard of Oz. Interesting that you see the negative spaces between the trees...rather than the trees. You have an artist's eye. That is how I teach drawing. Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Nice pic of the outside lunch table in the sun.



Shandel said...

i looooove reading your blog! i do not have a link to read Grampa's is it on line? i would love to check it out too. i also enjoyed reading a few of his stories when we were there for Christmas.
Great photos. My favorite one is the one with the trees. its so nice to see the sun shining and trees are just beautiful. I have a friend who paints and she is always painting trees.
We had a nice day here today, it was very cold and foggy this morning but the sun soon came out and is melting our freshly fallen snow. i hope that is the last of winter mother nature will toss at us. i am very much looking forward to spring and summer
have a good day.