Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Evidence my garden is getting over grown, too many flowers crowded into one big mass.
 It is full of bees and rocky places so I have to tread carefully.  I just watered myself trying to move the hose and stepped on my favorite flower.  Actually the water felt very refreshing.

The three of us drove to Abbotsford and the journey had a few unexpected twists and turns.  One being that the car we were picking up had a flat tire.  Finally the paper work was accomplished and the tire fixed so we stop in Langley for a light little lunch.  I also paid a visit to Chapters and yes I bought a book.  Now all I need is time to read.

Dad and I were picked up in style by Jane and Geof as we drove to the restaurant on River Road.  Sitting outside on the terrace watch the roarers go by was a perfect place to enjoy our birthday supper.  .the temperature was perfect..our meals were excellent.  They even had a big gluten free menu.  This would have been unheard of even a year ago. 

                                          The birthday girls celebrating.

We drove home along River Road in a leisurely speed.  Very refreshing evening.

"At some point along the line, a particular kind of evidence emerges,
one which suggests a personal engagement with it,
and none of this is reducible to the facts themselves, in the sense of being
ineluctably motivated by a bare account of them."   from Faith and Reason by Terry Eagleton

I read a sentence and it gets me thinking about the word evidence.
What evidence do I have that what I believe to be true is true?
I know that I have had an experience that I believe was the touch of the presence of the Holy Spirit.
An awesome and powerful feeling that felt like love was being poured into me.
That is the evidence that lives within me.

You could say "I wanted that loving feeling" in that I was open and longing for a deeper experience of God's grace.

Love is irrational.  I know that Jesus said to love God and your neighbor as yourself.    Faith consists for me as independent of a reasonable explanation.

I am so fortunate to live in a country where there is religious freedom.  I have been grateful to worship with a community that some may call fanatics but they have an enthusiasm and a lively faith that I found rejuvenating.  It attracted many openly wounded people which made them very real and they did not need to hide their emotions.

 I do not want to be called the frozen chosen and as a believer I want to experience the joy and the love that is available to all!  Happiness is one of the driving forces of life!


Shandel said...

beautiful photo! lovely smiles. :D

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you had a lovely lunch with Jane.

Anonymous said...

"Frozen chosen" -- I like that!

