Monday, August 20, 2012


My morning started with feeling hopeless because my picture would not upload.  After many many tries it has gone on and I do not know why.  Both dad and Panteli have had a go at it and it still does not work,  But I must continue to be hopeful.

My morning continued to be frustrating  I could not find my shoes to head out for a nice cool walk in the fresh morning air.  Found them finally under the wrong bed, actually in my computer room.  I never take them off there.  What was I thinking?

Usually I find it easier to be hopeful in the morning especially when I am praying but during the day when  things are  not working and I do not know why or how to fix  it I can feel hopeless.
But then I realize there are always things to try and others can help so that keeps us hopeful.

Anyway dad and I decided to go for a picnic on the other side of the Water Shed Park where there is a nice stream with fish in it and lots of shady trees.  We found ourselves trying to park in a tow-a-way zone with a cop following us and one already parked there.  We were going to climb over the railroad tracks and under a fence, which we had done before.  Realizing that we did not have driving licenses with us we drove on to a proper entrance.  It is good to keep on the right side of the law!

We had a long walk to get where we wanted to go but found a nice bench to sit and have our picnic on.  It was a popular spot and interesting dogs with their people came by. There were some little hilly places were your feet could slip and slide and run away with you.  It was fun.

 Talked to Theresa on the phone and got caught up on all she has been doing.  Very busy young lady with talking her wedding photo's and editing them and taking the children out to keep them happy.  She is signed up for her teaching assistance course in Sept.

Sandra is exhausted from her flight home and busy week in Kirchner but glad to be home back in her own bed.  They will not be coming over for supper.  Pentali cheerful chopped and cooked an excellent supper for us.

I was glad to talk to Theresa on the phone as I was feeling a little worried about her.
She takes along a lot doing her wedding photo's and all the work that involves.
Panteli talks to Carol daily on the computer so we were able to keep in touch too.  Kim is moving into a new little place of her own soon.  Carol's dog and her dog had become great pals while she has been living at home.

Some days it is more of a challenge to live by faith the whole day through than others.  I admire the people I know who are facing their own private calamities with the grace of inner strength. 

We all take it a day at a time and it is good when you can go your own pace.  The Oak Ave. children's center needs some diapers so will take a drive over there today. 


Anonymous said...

Well, it is great that you can still get out and go to such lengths to have a little picknic. Randy's parents are feeling very house bound. Hopefully now it is cooler they will venture out in the wheelchair. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Your morning sounds like mine! an acquaintance ( my hairdresser ) called me early on and was very distraught over the point I thought she might take her I did my best to help her, by getting her some urgent counseling and then a young man who is an alcoholic dropped by..pretending he is "happy" while all is not well....he refused my offer of AA. I pray they will be OK. There seems to be so many folks with problems these days...your picnic sounded like fun. A great mini getaway! Glad the cops didn't nab you for no licence! I often go without mine when i drive around here. Thursday I am going to visit our minister at her home! Looking forward to seeing their garden and having a chat. I sent Oliver a message telling him that his cousin, Aman Ateah would be so proud of him joining the coast guard...Aman was in the Canadian Navy during the war years. I hope the rest of your day is Nancy

Theresa said...

Glad to see your photos are working now! I promise I will read your blog more. You are always so always have lovely tihngs to say.

Anonymous said...

What! Driving around without your driver's licence! At least Panteli could have come over and bailed you out of jail.

