Wednesday, August 8, 2012


 It felt very muggy all day and then all of a sudden the sky darken and the thunder and lightning struck.  There was very heavy rain and wind.  Very scary thunder!  Thankfully we were back from the store when the worst of the storm hit.

There is always a lot of things to be done in my yard but there is always a time to just sit and enjoy.
Dad and I agreed we would have a quiet day but did do a trip to Chapters and I got several books
Thanks to Carol and Panteli!

We had a wonderful visit with Kim and she loves to spoil us and we love it too.  Glad her trip home went well!  Thanks Kim for blessing us with good, colourful memories.

Thanks Sandra and Randy for making us all feel welcome!  I think my camera is around here somewhere so I will put pictures on soon.

Everyone was disappointed that Craig and Leah did not turn up.  Where were you guys?

Some times life can be a paradox  especially when we do not have the whole picture.

The Bible is full of what may seem illogical to our minds because it describes a reality beyond human imaginings.

Reading the Bible can be difficult as I come across paradoxes because this is the nature of all our lives.  Nothing is black or white.  Their is goodness and there are false assumptions within us all.

"The Hebrew mind was willing to accept truths taught on both sides of the paradox and recognize that mystery and apparent contradictions are often signs of the divine."   -- Marvin Wilson

"All true explanations of God's nature must openly include paradoxical concepts my mind cannot grasp."  --Athol Dickson

I like to believe that it is possible to find a solution for all our problems and that answers will come when we take time to sit and enjoy what we have.  Within each of us is a hidden store of determination that is there for us to draw upon.

"Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind."   --Dr. Seuss

I have always thought I could be my worst enemy but now I know I need to be my best friend!

Memories are what colour our world like the song   "memories like the colour of my mind".  I can hear the tune but forget the words.


Anonymous said...

Randy and I ejoyed the thunder, but not so much the dogs. Got a call from Michael John. Mary has a bad flu bug thing, fingers crossed she is over the worst by Friday.

Anonymous said...

I will pray for you all.
love mom

Anonymous said...

we all love the thunder and lightning here, true not so much the dog , but Jasmine loves it.We had hail yesterday which is great. very cold and wet here. Hope the weather is nice for Matthew's Zoo Keeper day next Tuesday.