Wednesday, August 29, 2012


It is so good that we have a place to walk and feel the closeness of nature.  Walking on the dirt, smelling the fresh air,  seeing life all around us.

I am busy in the garden cutting down or taking off all the dead flowers.  The flowers in my garden have been abundant especially when I added new soil.  I come in covered in scratches on my legs and arms and having second thoughts about the roses.  When a thorn grabs your hair it is not funny.

Panteli dropped by as he is for the next few days house sitting for a friend.  Plans are being made to get the big tree cutter from Sandra's house to trim trees on Friday,

Dinner with Ron and Judy, our good friends, was fun and uplifting.  I like the advice she was given to live in reality not fantasy.  Staying up later does not really help I am just a morning person I guess and I find the morning goes quickly.

Today, dad and I go to the eye doctor place in Vancouver where they take pictures today.

I tell myself that we are living in a unique moment in history, one that provides an opportunity to see and understand the first-century Jewish world more closely.

When I think of the stories of Jesus I think the parable of the seeds being sewed on rocky and poor soil and it  really has a simple and yet profound meaning for us all.  Seeds of love and kindness have been sewn in out hearts and it is up to us to prepare the soil.  There are reasons that faith does not grow in all our hearts.

Love means action and response.  Living a certain way trying to be a good friend and neighbor.  We try our best but sometimes even relationships can be rocky and it is harder  to feel kindly toward them.  Love as I would like to be loved. 

I keep praying even when answers do not come, when there is still pain and brokenness.  A hard heart becomes like a hard path where negative thoughts eat at us.  Moisture brings new life that grows when we remove the thorns of doubt and bitterness.  Good soil produces good fruit but it is not always the easy path.  This is from the parable of the sower.  Luke 8:4

We do not need priests to save our souls, or to fill us with fear, but simple words that anyone can understand.  Praying for me is like breathing I just do it.  I do not understand it but I do it. 


Anonymous said...

What big tree cutter? If roses could just grow with out me getting near them I would like them a lot better.

Anonymous said...

You know, just like the disciples, I'm never really sure what the "sower" parabable is really all about. The Jesus Seminar says that the historical Jesus probably did say something like this, but they figure he did not give the explanation of the parable that follows just after in Luke.



nancy-Lou said...

Me too, Sandra. Especially some of the old varieties. I just gave away my large ( and really nice ) cactus...because it "prickled" me one too many times. Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Craig here, at Aunty Sandys for dinner. Having good times. Happy Birthday Sandra.