Sunday, August 5, 2012


                                                                    Our shade deck

Friday night Kim sat with dad and I out in our shade deck.  It was cooler and quieter there.  Dad has been out there today as it is far too hot now.  I should have cooled the house down better in the early morning because it feels warm now.  It seems far too warm to even  go over to the store and I really need to go.  I need to get things for the picnic to-morrow at the park.  My brain has very few ideas of what to get so that does not help.

Our plans changed with Jane as she was mixed up; I am glad I am not the only one, about the day and had other plans.  So we will have something to look forward to next week.

Dad seems to be feeling younger as he is walking better and I seem to be feeling old.  Yes, middle age looks good to me.  I am wondering what one should feel like when they are 75.  I lose my balance much easier and lose my thoughts too.  This is very annoying when I was thinking of something witty and profound to say and then it leaves me.

I am trying to do some helpful things to stop the aging process, like eating right and getting exercise.  I know the hot weather does not help but I feel very listless and indecisive.  Actually these feelings are not all that new to me when I stop to think about it.

It would be nice if we could view the world with rose coloured glasses but in fact is  it is better to be honest about how we are feeling.  I sure did not feel like cooking but dad did not feel like going out to eat.  We each made ourselves a sandwich.  He was perfectly happy sitting in his shade deck although it was pretty warm there too.  I joined him for a quiet day.

Theresa and Leanne came flying by to pick up Kim to go to a ladies stag.  They all looked so young and full of energy.  I could use a bit of that energy so I had a nap.

Today is picnic at Unwin Park after church.  Ben and Morgan are coming to stay the night. 

It is always wrong to compare ourselves with others.  I do my best with what I have been given, a few too many wrinkles, but it is what it is.  Reading about all the beautiful people in the world none of them seem happy.  I will determine to enjoy the life I have been given and know that there will always be challenges.  I know what it is like to be depressed and feel unhappy with myself part of it is our eternal makeup and some of it is our circumstances and some things are out of our control.

I have to work at accepting myself and my limitations.  I have to believe that I am worthy of being loved wrinkles and warts and all!  Being a little bit crazy helps!  Having a bit of faith helps too!

Having a shade deck and a husband is wonderful!


Anonymous said...

Good thing Dad built that deck - so good to have a place in the open breeze and the shade when it gets hot in the summer.

What wrinkles?



beth bennett said...

Now that is a good comment!

love mom