Friday, April 10, 2015


I am amazed at all the achievements  our family is making.
They are improving themselves and the world.

Congratulations to all:
Melina for being the best employee of the month.
 Tasha gets our vote for the best bus driver
Theresa for sacrificing her own plans to help Ben with his new challenges in soccer
Kim for her Eagle Spirit award.
Dad for doing some heavy lifting in the garden
Carol and Sandra for being the best grama's
Leah for her cheerfulness and perseverance in obtaining her goals
Michael John for his awards
And for each one of us who do the daily tasks that need to be done everyday, like Craig and Shawna and Stephen, and Oliver and Christopher, and Cameron and Shandel. 
For Rick and Ken and Pentali and Randy who work hard and are not always rewarded.
 For Craig and Mikie and Christopher for their hard work!

I almost forgot baby Madeline, our miracle baby, who was with for only a few short months.

Thank you for being my family.!  !  You are appreciated!

DSCN5915I would rather stay home and do a little work in the garden and have a nap but off to the Senior's home where Jim and others are so appreciative.  One lady was telling me she had to stay home from school at the age of 12 to look after 6 younger brothers and sisters.  Her mom had 12 children all together.  She was number 5.

Meanwhile dad had a big bike ride and he is now stopping off at Value Village on his way home.  He is filling in for Sandra.

The when Kim went to soccer dad and I took Haiti to the dog park for a run.  There were four adorable puppies for her to play with.

Hockey is on but dad wants to watch Calgary not Van. 

Now it is Friday morning and I am awake early!  Yuk!


nancy-Lou said...

Now your list of family achievements is quite remarkable Beth! Not only for what each person has achieved, but the number of people in your family! You and Larry are blessed!
Our little immediate family are small in comparison ....our sons, Bob and Mark and our granddaughter Carly.

Today I am teaching a watercolour workshop in Selkirk. It is about an hour's drive. We are painting the wild plum trees in blossom. I am looking forward to meeting some new people as well as some of my regular students.

It is a beautiful day....warm and sunny.

I wish you both a good day,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Thanks mom.