Thursday, April 16, 2015


DSCN5836Joys and sorrows are woven into the existence of every life.

We can all go through difficult times.  The young boys in the movie we saw where destined to continue to work as farm labourers just like their fathers.  A long comes a bitter beaten man to be their coach.  As he watches them run around the track with great speed and not even tiring he gets the brilliant idea that they can change their lives and their futures by becoming famous as long distance runners.

Not all goes smoothly of course but after many false steps the way opens up for them, as they work hard to achieve their goal.  The whole small town gets behind them to cheer them on.

These young boys came from the same hard background so they knew they would have to sacrifice and work extremely hard to reach their goal.

. . . .spiritual love is born of sorrow. . . .for we love one another with a spiritual love when we have suffered together and fought together to overcome our difficulties and suffered the same common anguish.   -Miguel De Unam

This explains how the disciples bound together and become stronger through their sorrow and grief.

A question we often ask is why do good people suffer?  I know I do not know the answer and being with some one through difficult times is not a time to give answers anyway, but to just be present and help in any practical way you can.

"The chief sanctity of a temple is that it is a place to which we can go to weep in common.
....Yes we must learn to weep (I know that tears have come to my eyes during a worship service) and perhaps that is the supreme wisdom.  -M. De Unam

Grief invites us to hold each other closer.

Dad had a good bike ride after baking a cake and making a doctor's appointment for me.  This is for me to get an accurate report from the two tests I have had on my head.  I had a short walk did some shopping and more laundry.  It is unending.  We both had naps which we seem to need now.

Now it is time for hockey!

To-morrow is a day to celebrate Kim's award at school!  !  !


Steady-as-rain said...

Answers are over-rated, I agree.

I didn't watch the hockey-game but gather we lost in the final few minutes. Oh well.



beth bennett said...

So true Rick.
Looking forward to this special day at the collage when Kim gets her award!
She helped others to enjoy life and have fun!
Hope you are feeling a bit better.
love mom

Sandra said...

Good to know you got a doctors appointiment. Knowing is always better than wondering I figure.