Wednesday, April 29, 2015


P4260470For my appointment there was no friendly chatting at the doctor's office but a hurried a hurried visit which was not all that helpful.  But I must say he is a good doctor and I value his opinion so I will try to be more cheerful myself.  So next time will be better!

 I cannot believe she is leaving for the Cayman on Thurs.  She is busy as ever playing soccer Monday night and now off to Chilliwack to stay over night.  The house seems very quiet especially no Haiti following us around and no running footsteps up and down the stairs.

Next we found a walk in clinic where they wait was only 45 minutes,  A very friendly young lady listened to his chest and agree he may have pneumonia and started him on drugs and sent him for an x-ray.  We got everything done and then came home to fall asleep again. I have a feeling recovery will be slow.
He is coughing even more tonight..

I was awake at four and after I got up,  dad seemed to be sleeping better.  I am not really sleeping much.  Usually it is me that gets these nasty bugs but they have decided to find a home in his chest this time,, although I would rather it was me.  A good friend, Dorena .phoned last night to say her mom had passed away with pneumonia, she was ninety

The day begins for me in the quiet of the early morning prayerfully.

I am trying to remember that one of the most important things I can do early and all during the day is to take two deep breaths and turn inward prayerfully.

Prayer or any other benediction like meditation without love and awe is like a bird without wings, -
--Rabbi Schneur   Love and gratitude carries me through the day, especially when I feel stressed like I
do now.

Buddhist prayer expresses an aspiration to pull (allow) something in your life within  inner capacities of strength, compassion and wisdom to renew us and for me it is shutting the door to fear and worry and anxiety.  If even for a moment I can replace the negative and reach up to capture the positive it helps. 

"As a tree torn from the soil, as a river separated from its source, the human soul wanes when detached from what is greater than oneself.  Without the holy the good turns chaotic, without the good, beauty becomes accidental".  -Abraham Heschel

One cannot escape all the tragic things that are happening in the world.  It seems to grow every day
I am thankful we have each other and have good doctors.  I may not be making sense but. . . .


nancy-Lou said...

So sorry to hear that Larry is really sick with a chest bug....maybe even pneumonia. The coughing that comes with pneumonia is so tiring. It is good that he is on meds now and hopefully he will feel better soon. I will keep him in my prayers.

Good for Kim off to the Cayman for a holiday! She must be finished college.

Our vet took xrays and things Jewels doesn't have a tumor. but has chronic bronchitis. She is on 3 pills for two weeks and then he will re-evalutate her. It is so costly to go the the vets....3 visits in three weeks cost us $750.

Our weather is spectacular.....warm ajd sunny for the next week. Good...then we can use our sunroom for our sons birthday party on Saturday. He will be 54. I will call his girlfriend and we can work together to make it a great day for him.

Have a good day,


beth bennett said...

Thank you for your prayers Nancy. Larry is coughing non-stop and that is so very exhausting.

Sounds like your cat may have another life still. Vets. are expensive. Haiti dog food is the most expensive you can buy.

Have a great family birthday. The sun room sounds perfect.

We had a sunroom in my old home in Saskatoon and I loved to sit and read there.

love beth