Monday, April 6, 2015


A beautiful sunny morning.
News of the new birth of Sebastien to share at church.

The children singing!
The story told by our new minister about the women visiting the tomb not knowing how they will be able to roll away the stone.  Not wanting to see Jesus wrapped in burial cloth but out of their deep love for him wanting to anoint him with oil.
The messenger who is guarding the tomb tells them Jesus is risen and has gone on ahead of them.  They will follow as they reach out with compassion with his love burning as a light within,
They would be facing a new world with a new reality that lives on and on!  Sometimes we are afraid to believe the truth and instead cling to our pain and loneliness because we do not understand resurrection.
The power that was nailed to the cross is now free and we live in the confidence of His unfailing mercy and grace.

A delicious supper at Carol and Panteli’s home.
We miss Sandra and Randy and Susan and Keith.  Susan has a painful disk problem which is very painful.  Prayers that she will know the right treatment.  Also just learned Rick is not well either   trying to reach him by phone.
I am surrounded by a loving family.
Morgan and Ben and Justice have fun swimming in the pool and eating candy!  They are all getting so grown up.  What a blessing!
Our beautiful church was full with families and even two Easter bonnets.


Steady-as-rain said...

Looks like a wonderful family gathering. Carol did ask me to come but I am feeling poorly these days and so I have used the long weekend to mainly rest.

There is something wonderful about children singing!


Rick (the non-robot)

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, Beth, we too had the same story read to us of the miracle at the tomb. An amazing story! Our little church was filled with people....and quite a few children. They took part in everything, even in leading us in the reading of the psalm. It was a warm service ....our minister, Judy read the children the story of Noah and we had the painting they made of the ARk at the front on an easel.

That was the first Easter supper we had alone...but that was Ok. I made a ham with the trimmings. Our oldest son was at his girlfriend's family so they are coming for supper tonight.

The pictures of your family supper are so have a large loving family....everyone looks so happy and Carol and Panteli's new home is perfect for family gatherings with a pool for the kids too!

There still are a few snowbanks in the bush...but almost all is gone. Walking is a pleasure now, without worrying about slipping on ice.

Gradually the wildlife are returning...we had two skunks under our bird feeder last night and the Bald Eagles have returned from warmer climes. Each day brings us new summer visitors. Today, on our walk I will look for the Ospreys....they have a large nest built on a hydro pole at the top of our street.

Have a good day,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

I miss you all and it looks like you had a great meal. Glad that you figured out where you were going.

We will be having Easter dinner today at Jeanne's sisters house. Mary of course will be missing it as she is in the hospital.

And then we will take Simone to see her new brother! That will be very exciting.

Simone has been a very good girl, just asking for her mommy a little but not making a big fuss.

I think it makes it easier in a way by having me here since it is not normal, so other abnormal things like her mom not being here see to seem more normal.

I will try and get pictures and put them up later today.

beth bennett said...

Sorry Rick I forgot to mention you and also did not know you where not well. Dad and I did phone.
Being sick is miserable.
love mom

Anonymous said...

It was a great Easter. Thanks Mom for the special book.
Love you