Friday, April 3, 2015


DSCN5819I did not go to church on Good Friday as I usually do but used the quiet time in the morning to read the scriptures.
I was amazed at seeing in  John's  gospel the quote by Jesus about what would happen in the future. 

"A time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God."

This is a day to remember the suffering of others.  We know we live in a world of pain and grief especially when we hear about the attack on a  University in Kenya where both Muslims and Christians attend but only the Christians were shot.

Good Friday now and back in the days of the cruel arrest and death of Jesus was a day of grieving and disappointment.  "facing up to loss and death is the central theme of Easter but the good news is that as a Christian death is not the final curtain."  We try to live each day with love and compassion and creativity know that one day each of us will face a time of dying in solitude.

Process theology says we are all held in the memory of God (even as human beings we also remember our loved ones).  All of creation and every moment where we make daily choices is known and remembered with love by a Divine Being.

My day progress with a short walk and a visit with my neighbor Mary, who is coping well with the sudden death of her husband.  We had a nice long visit.

Then Kim suggested we go out as she was turning up her music to sing along with as she vacuums and cleans.  Dad and I leave her and have a light lunch and do a bit of shopping.  What a treat to come home to a clean house!


Sandra said...

Randy slept in today until almost noon as he has the day off. He was busy and out riding his bike before it rained, though not sure if he got wet or not.

No baby.

I am now sick still able to entertain Simone with my playdough shape making.

beth bennett said...

Sorry to hear you are sick.

Randy can ride over and see us.

The sun has come out now.

Came home to a very clean house.

And now the phone is ringing.

So nice to talk to you, Simone and Mary.

Now I will find out what is planned for Easter.

Love to you all.

nancy-Lou said...

Those words are chilling, Beth. " A time will come when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God."
It is especially poignant today with the crazed Muslim zealots. To think that Jesus foresaw the future 2,000 years ago.

No baby! That little guy is just too comfortable to come out! How exciting though to anticipate his arrival.

We are driving over to the nearest town to shop for a few things for Easter supper. We didn't go to Winnipeg this week because Carl was sick with the flu. Normally I get the groceries in the city. Our Easter will be quiet with just one son for supper. I may invite the lady who cleaned our house for us...and her husband. They are from Newfoundland and very homesick. They will be alone for Easter. She, especially misses her large family.

We woke to a white world outdoors. It is really cold too...that means mitts and a warm hat and winter jacket for the walk today.

Have a good day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes I will and you too Nancy on your drive.
love beth