Saturday, April 11, 2015


Going to be another sunny day so will do a bit in the garden and maybe walk to Boundary Park.  All the trees are in blossom and the green leaves are bursting out too.  It seems over night.

Our little local pub called the Sun downer has closed.  So sad for the little old man with his cane who walks there every day for a beer.  He is going to try Brown’s Social House which is a noisy up-scale place.
So much building going on around here with Townhouses sprouting up like mushrooms seemingly over night.  Our new fence when we get it going will be the talk of the neighborhood.

One good thing about being awake early is it gives me time to pray and meditate since it is a quiet thing to do I can do it while others are sleeping.  Soon the noise starts outside with the garbage trucks making their stops, a chain saw cutting away and later the lawn movers will start up.  Time to go for my walk

We put an old dog bed outside for Haiti and the cutest thing was seeing a little bird one by one picking up dog hairs and flying away to put them in her nest.
There is now proof, because they can see what your brain is doing now, that prayer and meditation is good for your brain and probably your immune system.  Both need energy!

Thank you Tasha for your Easter prayer.

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for all the pain and suffering You endured on this day so many, many years ago.  I know that there will come a time I will be in heaven bowing at your feet thanking you for forgiveness. . .
I look up at the beautiful paintings made for us each day in the sky.
Thank you for saving me and everyone else.

Thank you for my life You live each day with me.
Your voice is in the sound of the birds,
Your kindness in the colours of the flowers,
Your warmth in the embrace of the sun
Your blessings pouring down in the rain
Your whisper of guidance in the wind
Your laughter in the thunder
Your energy in the lightning
Your love in the air I breathe
And I sit with your glowing comfort in the light of the moon!

I give thanks to You Our Father in Heaven for You (your love) and all the other miracles that have been gifted to me in my life!  That you for smiling Your Radiant smile upon me in the twinkle of the brightest star.
Thank You!  I love You! I am eternally grateful!  Amen

DSCN5952Leah arrived just as the results from the M.R.I. arrived and my brain is looking good so I guess I will continue to be the brains of the family! !  lol
Dad and Leah and I drove in to spend the day with Carol devouring fruit salad and banana bread. 
My favorite!


larry bennett said...

Better pictures to-morrow

Sandra said...

I guess I did not check your blog earlier, just had so many things to get at right away. We will try and stop in tomorrow some time.

Anonymous said...

Last 3:30am start tomorrow. Kids start back at school tomorrow as well. Matthew eager to get to school , Jasmine not so much. I hope Dad is going for the Canucks over the flames ??

nancy-Lou said...

My goodness Tasha is a beautiful girl...that is such a nice picture of her. Is the little guy sitting in the chair her son? A cute little guy.

Tasha's Easter prayer is lovely, full of reverence for nature, where many feel so close to God. I copied it and will save it.Thanks Beth and Tasha.

isn't nature wonderful...the little bird taking away the dog hairs for her nest. I put out the fluff from the drier for the birds too and any hair from brushing Gilbert and the dogs. Gilbert is the best donater of fur...he really is shedding.

We have had Mr. Bruin around most nights, checking out the bird feeder. He is welcome! All nature is welcome. We have two Pepe le Phews I need to stock up on skunk off....just in case!

Love, Nancy