Friday, April 24, 2015


P4210427Stories are such wonderful way to learn.
So interesting to find a hidden message or two.
Some stories touch our hearts and our deepest feelings.

Like this one from the book: "Experiencing Spirituality."

"A young boy ask his daddy how much money he made in an hour.  This annoyed the father but he finally told him he made twenty dollars an hour.  This annoyed the dad even more as he explained how hard he had to work to earn his money.
The little let to go back to his room but left the dad wondering why his son needed the money.
Now he was interest not annoyed.
He went to the boy's room and gave him ten doors.  Immediately the boy pulled out ten dollar bills from under his pillow and started to hand it all to his dad.
" Asking in n a small voice he said, daddy could I have an hour of your time?"

Now that makes us all stop and think about the story and how often do we take time to really listen to what is being said and how important a small amount of time can be the most  treasured gift to some one else.

After going to the church to once again sort books for our up-coming big sale I dtove over to the seniors home with mixed feelings about seeing Jim.  As usual after picking up the milkshake I sat down to have a visit with him.  He was quiet and sad and then turned to me and said,   "do me a favor and do not bring me any more milkshakes."  I was taken back  but then I figured he had a reason about which he did not want to talk.   He said no more.  I sat quietly for awhile and then left to visit some others.

Later heading out the door  he look right at me and said, "goodbye and thank you."   In a very loud voice and a wave of his hand.
On the drive home I start to think does he know he is going to die or even take his own life. 
Yes, he has talked about it.  I wonder?  I feel sadness.

 In the morning I drove over to the church to was sort through the books and put them out for sale. We are all getting older but if everyone helps a little it works out.  We have a gun ho leader full of tremendous energy and a happy spirit.  Her husband has just had a stroke so she will be at the hospital but as we are the same old group we know exactly what to do.  It helps to get to know each other better as we work together.
So no more taking things out to the end of the drive way now  I am taking things over to the church.  It is fun to work together and listen to stories of what is happening in their lives.

Dad has a miserable cold and spent the day resting mostly in bed not in The Chair.  That was after he had a visit with Carol and Kin but no stories as talking made him cough.  Kim wants to learn how to drive a standard so Carol was giving her lessons.  Kim had lunch reading for us all  when they got back and then it was shopping at Winners.

Some times it is listening to what is said but some times it is listening to the silence!

Glen came over to watch the game.  I predicted a win and they did!  Go Van.  Go!


Sandra said...

I wonder if dad caught my cold? I thought I had waited long enough before coming over. Miserable rainy day out there and I have a trailer full of dirt that needs to be unloaded.

I am reading a book right now that has lots of twists and turns and it quite getting in the way of my studying. Three more weeks!

nancy-Lou said...

Sandra's book sounds much like the book I read recently called, "Gone Girl". It had so many twists and turns and a surprise ending. Currently I am reading, Natchez Burning. It is a very different read for me and quite unsettling.

I am so glad that you didn't take Jim's request personally, Beth. It is just his bitterness and depression talking as I am sure you know. Life can be so difficult for some, can't it? But it is his choice to be that could be different if he wished it to be.
Sometimes I wonder why miserable old "son of a guns" like Jim are given a life to live when they don't want it and some poor folks who are so happy and leading a productive life are taken away from us. One of life's mysteries.

That was a poignant story about the little boy....when our children grow up it is the time we spent with them that they remember the most.

We had two days in Winnipeg. Carl saw three doctor, an accountant and got a haircut. I saw one doctor. We have an amazing doctor at one of the largest teaching hospitals in Winnipeg. He is East Indian and the most kind and compassionate person and also one of the best doctors. He will sometimes hold my hand while explaining things..he actually saved Carl's life about four years ago when he had pleurisy with complications. The price of parking there is outrageous....$2.75 a half hour.

I hope Larry gets over his cold quickly and you don 't catch it Beth.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

I called to discuss the hockey game , I guess Dad was not up,to talking. Matthew and I went out to dinner and a movie. The Avengers , guy flick! Melina was too tired and didn't want to see it . She worked early shift yesterday and up at 3:45am today for a 5am start. She finishes at noon and I start at 11am. Jesse will watch the little ones for an hour. Jassy's has a bit of a cold. Matthew did well at hockey Thursday night. He also got 10/10 on his spelling test.

Anonymous said...

Ps I had a snit at the movies when the girl would not substitute maltesers for jelly beans in my family popcorn deal!!! I told the manager that this would be my last time coming. He took note and ran outside to talk to me after the movie. And gave Matthew a little toy and apologised for his staff . I thought that was ok. ( Matthews electric seat that costs us $28 didn't work to add to my dissatisfaction. ) we paid extra for the recliners as it was only the two of us and also a long movie.

Anonymous said...

PPS I am turning into my Dad

larry bennett said...

You will need quite a few more snits before you catch up to me !!!

Glad you had your say !