Thursday, April 23, 2015


Started to the park but came home to put on a warm jacket as it was cold.  It is surprising when the sun starts shining I automatically think it is warm.

Our bible study was a little subdued as our substitute minister joined us, which was very kind of her, but she was more serious about the correct answers.

My thoughts Christ crucified was a combination of history and metaphor.
A straight forward historical fact
a revelation of God's love for us
a sacrifice to fulfill the law?
a path to fulfillment

The death of Jesus like his message and his mission brought together the political and the spiritual.
Paul was writing about death and resurrection so you can understand why it was a difficult lesson.

I arrived home to find a nice red plant on my doorstep.  A thank you from Linda, Mary's daughter.
After a rest I went over to thank them and have a visit.

Dad had a long bike ride,  interrupted when he stopped for a hamburger at the golf course.

"For the vision of one man lends not its wings to another.
And even as each one of you stands alone in God's knowledge,
so must each one of you be alone in his knowledge of God and his understanding of the earth."
"The Prophet"   -Kahlil Gibran.

We are not complaining about the cold it is just surprising when you feel summer has arrived.


Anonymous said...

Yes, well it is interesting how there can be so many perspectives on any given event ... like Jesus on the cross .... or even the cold on a sunny day ...:)

Sandra said...

I think it is very unfair of the weather to do all this back an forth between seasons. Just get a move on and let it be spring.

beth bennett said...

Yes those are my girls.


Love mom