Monday, April 27, 2015


A day full of little annoyances.  I realized while working with a person who was annoying me that I needed to get over it and  also be willing to forgive.

 This was not the first time.
“forgiveness is letting go of one’s justified feelings of resentment .”Bishop Joseph Butler

There can also be serious and hurtful annoyances,

“we forgive once we give up attachment to our wounds.”
 not always easy to do but lifts a burden from our shoulders we do not need to carry.

Then there is self-forgiveness which involves a shift from self-estrangement to a feeling of being at home in your own heart and soul.  Yes each one of us at times said or done hurtful things.  It is important to acknowledge one’s one humanness.  My annoyance did not last long.

Today  am worried about dad’s nasty cough.  He should be going to the doctor not me.

If I had got the cold I would have had an excuse to not keep my appointment because I was too sick/

Yesterday dad and I enjoyed a visit from Ava.  She is busy working and the big thing is finding a school for Uri to attend that both parents agree on.  She has some real problems because they share visitation rights.  One lives in Walnut Grove and the dad lives in Surrey.  /they are going to go to court.

Kim went out to a barbecue party looking lovely as usual.

/there have been times when I have allowed small annoyances to overwhelm my life.  I can only hope that I learn from these things and let them go.  I have to stop and think should this annoy be and the answer is always no.

The question I have is that I be allowed to know what to expect as far as my health is concerned,
especially as far as cognitive impairment is concerned.  I will drive myself there as dad is too sick and needs to stay warm and rest.


Sandra said...

What day is your appointment, I thought it wasn't until Thursday.

Well, junk day is over and you got that all cleaned up, so what could be annoying you now?


beth bennett said...

Absolutely nothing is annoying me now,
No my appointment is not Thursday but I had better check again.

What is happening on Wed? do you not work?

love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

I'm wondering if driving yourself is a good idea.

Hope that is not too annoying a suggestion! :)



Sandra said...

I did call and offer to drive and to warn that there was construction on the road. Mom said she was good though.

nancy-Lou said...

Annoyances.....there is a saying, " don't sweat the small stuff", which I try to live by....not always easy though.

It is a lovely grey light rain spring day is turning the grass green and the buds are swelling on the trees.

I am laughing at you thinking you could escape going to the doctors if you caught the cold....something tells me you don't like going to see the doctor Beth!

I just heard on the news that Saskatoon received 30 cms of snow on the weekend. That is over a foot! YIKES! Sure glad all it brought us is a little rain.

Kim always looks so pretty in her pictures!

Love, Nancy