Tuesday, April 21, 2015


So nice to wake up and discover another beautiful morning. 
One of the virtues of spirituality is to be open to discovery.
“Spirituality flourishes in discovery especially when stories are shared and community is formed."   -E Kurtz

There is much to be discovered as we listen to each other:
"We are here to listen
     to the cry of a broken heart
     to the outrage of injustice
     to the pain of poverty
     to the whisper of empathy
     to the silence of loneliness"  - Rabbi Reb. Yrachmiel

There has been a lot of abuse in religion and we think of the residential native schools and other abuses.  Often the abuser has been abused and in turn uses and controls others in a fierce individualistic need to survive.  Forgiveness and humility set both free when there is confession and recognition of the damage done to the other.

Spent the day popping in to check on our 93 tear old neighbor who was going to be alone for the day as her daughter had to work and the grand daughter had a bad cold.  Sat out on the front lawn and had an enjoyable time listening to her reminisce.  I could keep an eye on dad working from there.

Had two short walks.  Cut the grass and the day flew by.  A warm evening for Kim playing soccer.

Hope I have slept in a bit today.  Dad is putting out a lot of old wood but the hard part is making sure there are no nails in it.


Sandra said...

It was a very warm day, felt very much like summer. Had a barbque after my pilates class.

Have you gotten some stuff out that you wanted to?

Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, Dad does need to be kept an eye on.

Nice you could talk with the neighbour lady.



beth bennett said...

Yes to both comments.

Love mom

Sandra said...


I was looking up gelatin and saw that it is recomended for celiac. You would have to use the good stuff though.

nancy-Lou said...

I discovered another white snowy day when I awoke this morning. The highways were treacherous with many accidents. It was a good day to stay home.

We were very thankful to Ken who worked for Carl before he retired. He came today and changed his snow tires to all season tires. no more bumpety bump. He wouldn't take any money. Sure made our day! Took our van home and did it in his garage...this after working all day. We are blessed!

I see it is beautiful in Vancouver today.....even Edmonton has a high of 19 today and ours was a measly 2. BUT once again most of the snow has melted and hopefully that is the end of it until October.

There are so many amazing discoveries waiting for us to find them. All we need is an open mind and the willingness to learn. I see this often when I teach art classes...it is so rewarding to see people discover that they really can paint! I always tell them they don't need this God given talent to draw and paint it.

Good for you Beth going for two walks today. It keeps your legs strong doesn't it?

It looks to me like you are up early.....you posted this at 5:40 AM!

Love, Nancy