Sunday, April 12, 2015



Believe God watches over you
 and that he will sit beside you durung the long hours
 and bless you with whatever strength you need,
-Sharon Hudnelle
It is such a joy to see our children and grand children and the great grandchildren grow and develop their own personalities, gifts and strengths.  We had a delightful time at Carol's talking and laughing and eating and then going for a walk.  Dad was there too helping with some more of the electrical sockets.  One appeared unfixable to his knowledge anyway.

It is nice to know Sandra is back and busy doing all her activities like Pilate's and also her school work.  She seems to have shaken off most of the cold and cough.  Amazing!

I had felt a weight lifted off my shoulders when we read the medical report that all was normal aging.  I like to believe that even as we age  we are  precious and that no matter how our aging determines to take a hold of our minds and bodies that we can try to live a thankful and cheerful life for all that we have been given.

I have come to the conclusion that the most important element in human life is faith,  From faith, there radiates a energy that helps us to come to a new understanding of ourselves and all the world about us.

(The wisest people are those who unrelenting in their quests for answers, trustingly leave some of the answers in the hands of God who knows the whole.  -Rev. D. Turner)

DSCN5955It puts everything into spiritual focus. . . so that love and joy and happiness, sorrow and loss, become a part of a large picture that extends far beyond time and space -  Rose Kennedy

Time for church and once again I am like the white rabbit running around looking at my watch say: "I'm late,  I'm late
I'm very late.  Maybe I should stay home?


nancy-Lou said...

What wonderful news know that you are normal...I am sure you have been worried about this. We all become forgetful as we too! I forgot my lunch yesterday when I was teaching an art workshop at the arts centre. A nice salad sat at home on the table.
Fortunately there was a restaurant just down the street where I bought some delicious beef noodle soup.

Those are wonderful pictures of you, Tasha and is the word that comes to mind.

I should play and record the song I'm late, I'm late for is in a Disney music book of mine. It would keep you moving with the rhythm.

I am really tired after 5 days of being extremely will just take it easy. It was my plan to go to church, but next week!

So glad about your test results, Beth.

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Mom, you will never be normal, you are much better than that! Glad to hear you are not broken though.

We told Carol that we would drop by around 10-11 to take her the bed. We will have the trailer, but will see if we can stop by after.


beth bennett said...

The photo was of Leah who is Rick's daughter. She is trying to find work as a nursing aid and has a very small part time job at Children's hospital.

Hope you have a restful day!

love beth