Sunday, April 19, 2015


There our a lot of things I admit to not knowing but the one thing I did know, which turned out to be true, was that when we started looking for junk to put out for our collection day that instead of junk dad and I, mostly dad, find buried treasure instead.  So progress has slowed down because of that and also because dad needs to rest his painful feet.  So it was a lazy hazy day for us
Carol dropped by to help but maybe another day.  Dad and her had a good chat about solving Sudoku.  She was planning to start digging in their secret garden where they will be growing healthy food for us all.  It is a community garden.

Haiti has decided to dig a big hole in our back yard and is having great fun.  She likes to lie in the warm dirt.

Rick stopped by to check out some comments I made, on the day to meet a friend.

After all is said and done I believe that God has some wonderful moments ahead for each one of us to treasure!  !  !


nancy-Lou said...

Buried treasure..what a creative name for the things we have collected over the years. I must be diligent in what I call buried treasure or junk! My crawl space is overloaded and it is time for it to GO.

Those were insightful prayers, Beth. The ones on your previous blog....I have copied them for reference and thank-you.

The Roses in a clear vase workshop was such a pleasure to teach yesterday. It was a group of 9 ladies, two whom were just 16 and their paintings turned out so well. The hours just flew by and we were there from 10:30 to 4.
The biblioteque Allard in St. Georges is a very historic little French town and many of the people speak French...including people at the was so nice to hear French being spoken and I can still understand it, but speak it poorly now. It is located along the Winnipeg River where the voyagers travelled 225 years ago. They actually camped here at Victoria Beach.

Well good luck on your finding of treasures...

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Randy is hoping to find lots of buried treasures as he will now start the long process of putting all the 2000 or more parts back onto his car that he took off. I wonder how many he will have left over when it is all done?

I am contemplating heading off to the nursery in Langley. Should check my bank balance first as I can do a fair bit of damage with no one there to put the brakes on!

My ear is still bothering me, but now I might as well wait until I see Dr Nolte on Friday.

beth bennett said...

So today is a challenge deciding what some one else may use and what one day we may need.

Dad is going to paint the outside of the shed and with some stuff cleared out it should look good in and out.

I know that as soon as we put something out we will want it.

Good luck Randy and Sandy with your shopping.

Go to a clinic Sandra why suffer?

I think there may be herbal remedies but I am not sure.

Missed church because I had an upset tummy which probably served me right for upsetting our peaceful home.

love mom