Thursday, April 2, 2015


Sometimes It is all about the timing.  When I was driving Joyce home from our meeting we were stopped by about six police cars and heard more on the way.   Found out later there had been a drive by shouting.  No one was hurt and no one was caught.

Just had time for a quietand quick  morning  prayer for a close friend and her family going through a time of great distress.  It is just one thing after another.

No time for a walk as dad had taken a message yesterday about some test I am to take at Jim Patterson on the third floor at 7 this morning.  I have to have clean hair that is all I know.  He does not know the name of it.  I am glad we both make mistakes.

Dad is happy we will go out for breakfast after,  his favorite meal to have out.  Yes we went to the White Spot!

I cannot believe it is Easter this week-end time has just flown by.  Of course Morgan can hardly wait.  I forgot to send cards I think!  No family plans yet.

Off visiting Jim and the ladies.  Feeling a little stressed after my E. C. on my head.  Just had to lie still but I am easily stressed and I am trying to over come that.

Time is drawing nearer for baby Sebastian to arrive.   A Easter blessing!



nancy-Lou said...

I hope the test was non invasive and went well, Beth. That is an early time, 7am. Did you go to the White Spot for breakfast? There poached eggs are really good. WE don't have a White SPot in MB and miss them.

Yes, Easter has crept up on us too! I am planning on making a ham and scalloped potatoes. Church tomorrow and Sunday.

We are awaiting snow. Hopefully not too much and it will disappear quickly. It makes such a mess while melting and the three dogs trek in all the mud each time they go out. This will be the third melt and many times I have had to wash the floors.

It is starting to snow, with large flakes coming down in all directions, looking like a windmill in the sky is blowing them down...swiriling, swirling down. Very pretty.

Hope you have a rest after your test this morning,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Still waiting. MJ is working Sunday so all of us ladies, Mary, Simone, Jeanne and her sister will go out for brunch after church. The time is getting closer to when I will have to leave. Sad of course that I will miss out on seeing Sebastien when he is brand new, but glad that I could be here to help Mary to relax and get all the last few things done before he arrives. Simone is amazing of course. She broke her necklace in the car as we were driving home and she actually was able to restring them by me holding the beads and she put the string through.

beth bennett said...

Yes, that will be disappointing.
But what a wonderful time with Simone. To have one on one time is excellent.
When do you return?
Have a great Sunday!
What church are you going to?
love mom

Anonymous said...

my last early tomorrow , up at 2am. Melina working until 930pm.Made the kids salmon with dill and lemon, Jassy ate two pieces. cold and windy today

larry bennett said...

That is such a stupid shift - you should get triple pay.

jassy sounds just a little bit like someone I used to try and get to eat !!

What is that about comes around?
Melina must like going to the airport.


Anonymous said...

True, Jassy is a good eater. She ate her fish and Matthews fish as well. Matthew only ate two bites of the fish...then ate an apple and a banana . Melina , I think has today off and tomorrow... She is working too much.I got double time and a half for working good Friday. i have a five day break starting tomorrow !!!

beth bennett said...

Good news you have some time off coming.
I meant to send Easter cards but found out Easter was nearly here.

A fun day for the children~

love mom