Sunday, April 26, 2015


I worry and I pray and I hope!

"We cry ourselves to sleep,
gratitude wits patiently to console and reassure us,
there is a landscape larger than we can see".
-Sarah Ban  Breathsach.

I am thankful for a sunny day.

Another story:

There was a man playing his violin at the Metro Station in Toronto on a cold January morning.  Most people just hurried by, a few gave him a coin or two but the children were fascinated and wanted to stop and listen but parents were always in a huge hurry.  No one applauded and no one recognized him as violinist Joshua Bell, one of the best musicians in the world.  He played at the best theatres and people had to pay a big bucks hear his music.

Another story also true:

I met Gundy coming home from the store where she had bought some groceries but did not have her credit card to pay for them.  I talked with her for awhile and then suggested she looked where she had put groceries away with her mind not on what she was doing.  What a relief when she found her card

I know I can do things without paying attention to what I am doing..

I was late getting to the sale at the church and volunteered to stay and help them clear up.  They insisted I leave.  I was feeling very weary and maybe I looked it.  I had one of those days you do not even bother to look in the mirror.

Dad is coughing a lot so I may not watch the game with him.

"To attend the inner meaning of another's experience it is important to pay complete attention."
-William James

(They tried their best but the best team won!  !  !  )


Sandra said...

Was yesterday the garage sale at church? I would have stopped by as we were out running around yesterday. Though, I was very sleepy as I stayed up to 11:30 to get that darn book finished and out of my way..

Had a nap then unloaded the dirt out of the trailer. Randy went to work afternoons.

Mandi and James are taking us out to dinner tonight for Randy's birthday, nearly a month late. He had to book time off as he kept waiting to have a day off on the weekend and it just wasn't happening.

beth bennett said...

Yes I thought I had put it on my blog.
love mom

Sandra said...

Oh, and do you have plans for Wednesday, do you want to do lunch?

Anonymous said...

Yes the flames played better. I don't think the Canucks could make it through another series enemy if they did win. Starting late shifts tonight. Finnish about 1am ish??

larry bennett said...

Tavia is coming for a visit about 10. She will leave about 12 or 1.
What time and where
Yes I would like that
love mom

larry bennett said...

Correction - Tavia is coming on friday

Anonymous said...

nice bright summery photo mom.