Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Looking for warmth
Looking for beauty
Looking  for sunshine
Looking for hope to conquer feelings of fear and worry
Looking for renewed faith
Looking for healing for myself, dad and others,
Looking for confidence and renewed strength.

Looking for wisdom for the day, for vision and guidance.
Looking for peace in all my relationships and in the world.
Looking and listening prayerfully for God’s presence.
Looking for answers that do not always come but trusting in help that comes when needed.

Looking for a pen to begin my writing down my many distracting thoughts.

Looking at my garden as I start out on my walk.  Thankful it is not raining but it feels cold to my old bones anyway.
Looking for new growth.
Looking for new eyes to see the unseen
Looking for the grace of unmerited favor, that forgives and forgets, and loves unconditionally.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world ..must be felt by the heart,"  -Helen Keller

Kim insisted we go to the movie MacFarlane and both dad and I were inspired and touched by the story of these young runners.


nancy-Lou said...

"Looking" for no forest fires today with the strong winds. I cancelled my appointment today, to stay home...with the high fire danger due to the dry weather and the 100km winds it is dangerous. The lake is still ice covered and the water bombers cannot come.
I think I told you we almost lost our house to a forest fire a few years ago....in fact as I waited at the RCMP road blockade I was told all the houses on my street were gone..that is when I drove through three blockades and went home to find the house still there...and the fire being contained....that also is when I almost went to jail...yup for driving through the blockades and telling the RCMP "just watch me". so I am looking at the skies today and praying all will be well.

There was a man killed in a grass fire yesterday that engulfed his home and outbuildings...lots of fires....a large one just south of us in the Grand Beach marsh...hoping they are able to contain it. 15 kms south.

I hope you find all that you are looking for beth.....especially good news about your health.

Have a good day.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

I like your looking post. I'm doing tax stuff - waiting for Revenue Canada to open to ask questions.

beth bennett said...

Nancy You sound like a true trouper! Isn't early for fires and fire and wind are bad combination.
Keep safe.
love beth

Anonymous said...

Kids all at school , Jasmine tries her darnedest to get out of going. MAtthew loves it. Melin off to a funeral for an old family friend . She had cancer , lasted 5years after the diagnosis. Going to work soon. Will have to listen to the Canucks game .

Sandra said...

I am looking for warm weather so I can play in my garden this weekend. It has been surprisingly cool since I have been home.

Did you call Dr Nolte's office?

Randy picked up his engine yesterday and has started to put things back together.


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra You always give good advice. Dad made an appointment on line. All is well
Hope it is a bit warmer..