Thursday, April 9, 2015


It is funny reading the writer describing what she thinks she hears as –The Voice Within-calling her to be a nun.  Did that voice really say nun, or maybe it was run,or even fun meaning get some sun.  She has her doubts.

Now Paul on the other hand says that what he is writing to the Corinthians is the Lord’s command.  I can understand Paul’s concern about the noisy worship where people were speaking out of control and even in tongues.  Sure most of us, especially United Church people like an orderly, calm worship service.

Then he writes that women should be silent in the church.  Yes, our little group was not pleased about that although we realized he was a product of his time.
Where he to visit our church he would see that there are far more women attending and even preaching now a days.

I find it hard to know what voice to listen to in my head but I know that the one encouraging me is probably the right one.  I have at times taken risks in progressing in my walk of faith but have felt the benefit of doing this.
There is going to be a review that will be suggesting significant changes to the structure of our denomination, which will affect us all.  I hope that those who are proposing these changes are not mistaken in what they believe God is calling our church to become!

Can't believe it is Thursday all ready time to go visiting.


Anonymous said...

I guess listening to god is not for the hard of hearing.... :)

larry bennett said...

Yes, so true.

nancy-Lou said...

Either my hearing is getting better or God is speaking a little louder....I do hear him now!Especially at quiet times. I am sure I am not mistaken.

We are watching the hockey....Winnipeg Jets are playing Colorado and it is an important see if the jets get in the overtime and really hard of the nerves! YIKES.

My poor widowed friend had to see a bankruptcy trustee....she is a gambling addict. so sad.
She doesn't drive in the city, so I drove and accompanied her to the meeting and took notes for her. What a sad day it was to find out she will loose her home. It was a hard day.

How was Jim today, Beth? Is he still hanging in there? I hope you had a good day visiting.

Your new little Great Grandson is a cutie, isn't he and he has quite a dignified name, Sebastian. Sandra will have a difficult time saying goodbye. It was wonderful that she could spend the time with Mary before she gave birth too and give her a hand.

Have a good sleep Beth,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Read your comments just before falling asleep Nancy.

So sad for your friend.

I am trying to really take some quiet times and yes it does help the hearing.
love beth