Thursday, December 28, 2017


Enjoying the last few nights of lights shining in the snow.
Pouring rain today but Haiti stills loves going for her walks.

Dad and I had another quiet day today, feeling a bit like we are fighting off germs.  We had made plans to go out but just did not feel like it.  We are still finding food to eat and use up.  Lots of vegetables that dad and I cut up together.  I turn the burners up high to get things cooked quickly and he turns them down.  The main thing is we turn them off when we are finished.  

Amie came by and we invited her to stay but she had things to do.  Haiti loves to walk with her too.

I am thinking about all the happiness that Christmas brings that also brighten up our lives.  It is also a miserable time to be sick.  Rick is feeling lousy with a sore throat and aching body and no appetite.

 Christmas is a time we feel that we can eat a little more than we should.  We toss aside our healthy choices.  Being healthy for me is a struggle that takes concentrated effort.  I try to think positive thoughts about myself and about others.  

I have chosen a spiritual path but this does not mean that I will always be happy and content.  My feelings can be up and down.  This reminds me that I need to continue to grow through prayer and the wisdom of others.


Sandra said...

I am starting to figure out that I need to be reading the secret messages between the lines sometimes. Christmas and all the sugary foods can be hard on the immune systems so hope that you get over everything quickly.

The kids were up super early yesterday, 3:30 but slept till 6 today.

Randy has gone back to work and started with a graveyards to days double.


Sandra said...

Thank you for your blog.
Pretty pictures, I like them.

Steady-as-rain said...

That's nice that Simone can read your blog and the photos now. What a lovely little girl she is!

I am glad that the pathway to the stores remained clear of ice. I had to put salt on it twice and also walk over it to grind it in, and also kick out the bigger bits of ice once they got a bit loose. Someone had made quite an effort to shovel out the first third of it. The trouble is, once it thaws and then freezes then you can't shovel the rest of it. Anyway, I am glad it is safer now for everybody that walks through there. I learned that concern for others from you and Dad, and it seems to me to the true centre of Christianity. In a sense, I will always be a Christian.

I really did get sick and it was good I went home when I did, as I went steadily down-hill after Boxing Day. I am a little better today. I have this colonoscopy on January 3rd. Was thinking of canceling it because I got so week and ill, but I guess I will carry forward with it.

More snow here in Kamloops, which is rather depressing.

I was reading my Stalin biography while I was sick and now the book and the sickness are associated in my mind. But I will read to the end. Long book.

The new landlords are proving to be very considerate and they are back up again tomorrow for another weekend with another load of stuff to move in.



beth bennett said...

Wow this will be a Christmas to remember!

We had a visit from Leah and Craig and Ophelia in the afternoon.

Dad's stomach is worse but I am not stmpathetic
I have told him to go to the doctor. I will make an appointment
next weeek for sure if he does not.

Thank you Simone I sure do miss you.

You brighten up my day!

Rick keep getting better.

Love mom