Sunday, December 17, 2017


LIfe is full of beautiful moments

Yes we had a excellent supper at Sandra and Randy's.
Everyone was looking happy and relaxed.  Mandy and James will be heading off to Edmonton this week.

Gifts were exchanged!
Gifts were unwrapped.
It was raining very hard when we left to drive over.  The roads were full of car lights coming and going.  It did us good to get out of our place.  I had gone to church but dad stayed home with a stomach ache.  I was late arriving because I spent the morning tearing the house apart looking for dad's pills.  This was very upsetting for me.  I looked in all the logical places and then in every place imaginable.  

I did not find them.  Fortunately dad has some other pain pills for to-night.

Our service was on moments of joy that can burst upon us as we spend time with others.

I would be full of joy and thanksgiving if I had found the little pill bottle but so far not so good.

I am thankful for the happy moments of this day shared with family.
This family certainly has the Christmas spirit.


Sandra said...

We have had lots of White Christmas's here. I would say at least one every decade if not more.

Thank you for coming over on such a miserable day. Sorry supper was a little sparse, Randy and I had bit or more than we could chew in terms of things to do that day.

Speaking of supper, I was looking forward to taking leftovers for lunch, but Randy threw them away. He thought I was telling you to take them all so that meant I did not like them.

I guess it is carrot sticks and sandwiches all week as with Randy back on afternoons there will be no meals made.


Steady-as-rain said...

It does look like a happy and relaxed crew!



PS Did you ever find the missing pills?

beth bennett said...

The supper was perfect.

No the missing pills have not been found.
I have look everywhere.

Dad goes to the doctor on the 20th
and is feeling no different from stopping the pills.
They were not very strong.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Oh dear....missing pills. have you looked down the sides of the chairs? How about in coat pockets or dressing gown pockets? You could always order more from the pharmacy...but I guess with Larry seeing the doctor in a couple of days, it doesn't matter?

Lovely photos of your dinner at Sandra and Randy's with James and Mandy. Are they Randy's adult kids...or are they married and one is Randy's adult kid? I haven't sorted out all your family yet...but getting there!
Nothing like the Ateah family to sort out, that is for sure when there are hundreds of them now. Carl's Grandparents who came from Lebanon had 10 surviving children, 12 in all.
I think we are down to to 6x now...Carl is x2.
One of the cousins recently made a family tree and he mailed it out to a lot of the family. It is photocopied. If anyone is interested I can scan it and send it by email. You can text me at 204 999 4397.

Lloyd Johnson is the cousin who compiled the tree. Carol and her children are on it.
Lloyd is 94 and says this will be his last one. He has been doing it every year for quite a while...each year includes new additions. Lloyd and David Ateah would be first is Carl.

Today was a busy a lot done including baking some ginger cookies that are our favourite. I have had some orders for prints of my paintings and they are going out to england and Calgary as well as Winnipeg. So that is good...a little extra money at Christmas. We live on a tight budget so it will come in handy for the Christmas supper.

Carl is coming down from his drugs high when he had the infusion last Thursday. The double dose of prednisone really had him feeling good....but this is a rebound effect where he is feeling tired and sore. he will feel better in a few days.

Sandra and Randy's house looks so Christmasy....they did an outstanding job of decorating inside and outside! Just a few more days and the children will be there...oh the excitement!

I am going to work on a new painting that 'has to be painted' is painted in my mind and has to 'get out' or it will be gone....white poplar forest with red dogwood in the foreground....all I need to do is but the a study, get the drawing done and the paints ready and it is a GO!

Have a wonderful evening and a good sleep, with no pain,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Your new painting sounds exciting but lots of work to get it started I think.

Yes Nancy I have looked everywhere, in every pocket, in every chair, in the garbage in the frog. in the washing machine etc.

I could go on and on.

Everyone says they will turn up but I am not sure.

I have copied the fax number and pass it on.

Many is Randy's daughter and James is her husband.

They are going to Edmonton to see family.

Love beth