Sunday, December 3, 2017


The tiny manger scene Kim created.

Dad very tired today and he also has a stomach ache, but it is Sunday!

I went to church and sat at the back, the very back with some old friends.  The star was  sign of a new birth that would ring light to the people living in darkness and fear.  A voice that started out as the cry of a baby would become a voice of wisdom and authority and compassion.

A word that can speak to our hearts today.

"We have seen an amazing star, brighter than any other."
A star to guide us on our way.
Our faith is the gift of hope ready to bring light into our lives.

The neighbors were all out putting up their Christmas lights.  Our street is now alive with lights.


Sandra said...

There were a lot more lights here last night too.

We went out to Fort Langley yesterday. Such a cute little yuppy town but boy oh boy was the parking terrible. I was just there to go to the craft fair and see Megan and we did not do any real walking around.


beth bennett said...

We had a quiet day especially dad.
I worry about these pills he is taking.
If they do not help the pain and make you tired
and not yourself I think maybe not a good idea.

He wants to try them a little longer.


Steady-as-rain said...

Terrible parking in Fort Langley, that is true.

Did Leah really play with that little teapot? Seems so long ago.



nancy-Lou said...

A lovely little manger scene by Kim.

Do you wear your hearing aid now Beth?

I noticed that you said you sat in the back pew at church and thought you must be able to hear from there. It is always nice to sit in church with friends. I miss the days when Melodie and I went to church. We just passed the 5 year anniversary of her passing...and still think of her every day. She was 55.

Yes, the Christmas decorations are going up around here too....not in your house yet...but the houses are decorated and our friend, Ken who drives the water truck decorated the truck with all kinds of lights and Santa Claus's...he has so much fun doing it and everyone loves to see it...can you imagine driving down the highway at night and seeing this truck coming towards you all lit up? He has a huge display at his house as well and always jokes about leaving a box at the store for people to contribute to his hydro bill.

We both are feeling under the weather today...seems like we are fighting off a cold so just taking it easy and watching curling. I have some piano lessons later on.

Have a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Rick that is the same tea pot.

Time does seem to fly especially at this time of year.

Your second cousin sent a card from England,
the one born on the same day as you
amd also named Rick. He signs his name just like you.

No Nancy I have not got my hearing aids yet.
The sound system in church is pretty goo.

We had sunshine today and it was a bit cooler.

Love Beth