Friday, December 22, 2017


Haiti and I walked to the park in the sunshine.

My wish for Christmas is for everyone to be healthy and safe.

It was a bad night for the Parsons family with the children and Stephen suffering from the stomach flu.  Shawna was up taking care of  the sick ones.  All are resting now and I hope all are on the mend.

Meanwhile dad and Kim got the garage door opened and our car is now out on the street.

They then rushed to get Kim's car from the garage.
 On their way to No. 10 Highway going down 132nd dad who was driving Kim's car followed by Kim driving Panteli's car to return to Ladner, was hit on the front side of the car by a speeding driver.  Both cars were a total wreck.  Dad was okay but  shaken up.  The firemen were on the scene and took all the details.  It was totally the woman's fault.

We are reminded life can change in a moment unexpectedly.

Kim drove the car back and is taking the bus home here.  She will be picked up here to go on the plane to the Caymans with Theresa and family.

A very stressful day for all but we still have high hopes for a wonderful Christmas together!


nancy-Lou said...

So sorry to hear about the accident, but glad Larry is OK. Quite often afterwards one begins to feel pain and soreness. Hope he is still feeling OK. How did he get home? Did the firemen drive him?
My goodness these things always seem to happen around Christmas don't they?

Carl's cousin, Glen Lester ( his Mother was laela Ateah Lester ) who wrote the book 'The Cedars of Lebanon' ) passed away yesterday, at his home. He was 87. He lived in Victoria Beach all his life. Had a large mink ranch. He was living along because his wife, Betty had to go to a nursing home. His daughter, glenda found him. I haven't heard anything about a funeral so far. It seems as though these things happen so often at Christmas time.

My great Aunt, Madeleine Albert passed away on December 18th in New West Minister. I was her surviving relative and we flew out, held the funeral and came back home on the 24th. She was going to be 100 three months later. There were very few people at the funeral due to her age....and not many relatives. She was like a grandmother to me.

I have the flu....and have been really sick. my throat closed up three times last night and I would wake up choking. Carl stayed dressed all night and sat in his chair in case I had to go to emergency.
Lucky I found my puffer which opened up the airways. I am going to see the doctor. Such a sore throat and swollen glands and fever. We had the flu shot but apparently it is rather infective this year.

I see all the stressed out people running around at the malls ( on tv ) and hear about the terrible traffic jams and accidents and am so thankful that we don't do any of this monetary stuff anymore. Just give to charity and have a family supper. I am hoping to feel better by Monday so I can cook the Christmas Dinner...but if not, we will just postpone it a few days. There is only two coming anyway, our sons.

I see it has been cold and you have had some snow too. It has been cold here was -23 last night and going to be a lot colder for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day...a high of -25 for the daytime temperature.

I wish you a nice evening. Are you going to watch hockey? Our Jets are doing really well and near the top of their division. Exciting.

Love to all,

Client Strengths said...

Hi Mom. I'm soooooo grateful that Dad is ok. That must have been really hard on Kim too as she was already stressed. I want to come home! Panteli says that your phone isn't working because you've changed over to Telus. Will you have time to Skype today?
I'll try you late morning your time.

Oli arrived yesterday and is still sleeping. He had a twelve hour layover in Dallas and pretty much stayed out all night. Everybody else arrives tonight.

Love you. Give Dad a big hug for me!

Anonymous said...

wow, that's such a stressful way to start a vacation! Glad to hear that Grandpa was OK. Did it have something to do with snow on the road? Ollie arrived safely yesterday and we will give you guys a call later today. Is your home number up and working yet, or should we call Grandpa's cell? Xo Panteli

Sandra said...

We had a quiet day and night with everyone catching up on sleep. Shawna is very tired as the last few days before coming here she was up late getting ready.

I have a few gifts to wrap and if I get a chance me and Stephen might go look for a coffee table for Randy.
We will also drop by if we go out and pick up the mattress.

I hope dad is OK today, but would be pretty normal for him to be sore. Always so shocking to get hit when you are in a car. You almost feel invulnerable until you get hit and realize all that steel is not much protection after all.

I got new tires put on by Mikey and his guys yesterday. As soon as I drove up they all rushed out and had it done quickly. His work is very close to our house.

We were going to go and chop down a tree but after getting the tires on I just went to the nursery and got one. A bit of grumbling by Randy as he was looking forward to taking Lincoln, but really for the best.

Talk to you soon.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear Dad is ok.
I am off to work this afternoon. Work 14:45-00:15 for the next four nights . Melina is working this morning and we will swap the kids at the car park. So we will have Christmas at home in the morning,with a big breakfast. Then Melina and the kids will head over to her sisters house for Christmas dinner.
Work should calm down tonight with the passenger loads dropping off after Christmas. I have leave booked for next October, and we plan on coming over for Halloween, early stages but that was my thinking when I booked my leave.

beth bennett said...

Dad is a bit sore and we are thankful it was not worse.

It was not ice and snow but a woman driver going through a red light and speeding.
She had her mother in the car and a little boy about three.
Both cars are a total wreck.
The firemen were passing by and stopped and came right back Kim had Panteli's car and drove dad home and took the car back and rode the bus here.
She was amazing checking to see if everyone was okay.
and cleared some mess off the road.

Nancy Sorry you have been so sick.
Bad things do seem to happen this time of year.

Halloween is good Ken we will look forward to seeing you.

We need to go out for groceries but I know it will be busy.

Rick arrives tomorrow at noon.

Our old phone number is back but it appears you cannot leave a message.

This means we have to also answer all the calls.

Merry Christmas Ken and Melina and Jasmine and Matthew and Jesse.

Love mom