Tuesday, December 5, 2017


There is no snow yet but it feels very cold and frost is on car as they get ready to start out on their morning drive.  One of the jobs I did not like was scrapping off the wind shield. 

The sun shines into our windows and dad and I both do some window cleaning.  I am not good at this.  One front door window was a double glass and the dirt seemed to be on the inside and impossible to reach.

Afterward we drove over to the store as we had gotten really low on all our groceries.

I think about all the homeless people outside in this cold.  I am so thankful for an extra blanket to keep us warm.

I feel a chill when the in-toys are selling for an outrageous price.  As a child I loved looking at the Sears Toy Catalogue but even though I picked out my favorites I knew I would not receive these gifts.  Some things in life you just know.

Mary and Joseph were homeless when it came time for Jesus to be born. 
We watched a Christmas movie which started out very, very sad a mother dying, a couple breaking up, a young man who had run away from home and wants to reconnect with his mom, a man with an incurable disease.  These things are tough any time of the year but it seems worse when you see others celebrating and you are out in the frosty cold.


Sandra said...

Rick, I have been reading the Jackson Brodie series by Kate Atkinson and I really like it.

Me and Peanut are keeping warm on our walk by going fast!

Before I went to bed I noticed a truck out front looking at the decorations. I mentioned it to Randy and he brought them all in when he came home at midnight. Unfortunate that my first thought is not they are just admiring them, rather they are casing them out to steal.

Randy and I have not done a proper grocery shop for a long time, and we won't this weekend again since we have my company party. It is always nice to get that out of the way.

Has a glitch at work yesterday and pay stubs were not emailed properly so will have to do them one by one today.


beth bennett said...

Did I read that right?
You brought the ornaments?
When I first read it I thought it was the people you brought in.

What a shame all that extra work.

I have a U.C.W. lunch to-day at a beautiful home.

I take a sandwich just in case.

Love mom