Saturday, December 2, 2017


You can tell there is going to be an unbelievable lot of fun here.
No ringing of the doorbell the baby may be sleeping.
Both hard at work.  Unbelievable!
Ophelia wakes up.

On the move
I tried to hurry.  

I cannot find how to edit I know that seems unbelievable but it is not easy to learn new tricks!

I had a quick visit at the Senior's Home with Joan   They were having a Christmas party.  She did not attend which was too bad but I can understand.  A lot of people can be confusing.  I escaped again unbelievable!

A very enjoyable day believe it or not.  Fell asleep after doing a few cards
 and spilled coffee all over myself and dad fell asleep watching hockey.  Both unbelievable!


Sandra said...

Randy and I headed out for a bit of shopping after Leah picked up Ophelia. Traffic was horrible as it always is in Langley. Has a quiet evening reading while Randy watched his taped football games.

And just my opinion, but everything going on with Randy's dad right now has less to do with current issues, and more to do with with childhood stuff. In a perfect world we could all forgive and hug and make up, but that is not reality unfortunately.


nancy-Lou said...

Nice photos Beth ...the house is all decorated for Christmas and looks fabulous doesn't it? I am sure it will one noisy house come time when all Sandra and Randy's Grandchildren arrive.

The decorations on the green lawn look out of place because we are not used to green lawns at this time of year! I guess you don't miss the snow, even at Christmas time when you live in such a lovely place.

Sorry to hear that Randy's Dad is having a difficult makes it so hard on the adult kids, especially when they live far away. so many people I know suffered abuse in their childhood and it scarred them for life. I hope things improve for him.

hmmm traffic jams in Langley...I remember when it was just a small kind of rural place...mind you that was maybe 60 years ago!

Traffic is becoming congested around the malls in Winnipeg we will stay away from there if we can. I have to deliver a painting to a business near the mall we usually go to...and will plan it for not a busy time of day.

I am working on a new project. soemthing I have wanted to do for a long time. To paint the stories of the early settlers in our area and write a short story about them. The story can be displayed with the paintings or they can be recorded and played as people look at the paintings. I plan for 12 in all. I have a good start...I will approach the Birchwood Gallery in Winnipeg once I have three or four done and see if they are interested in an exhibition of the work. It is so interesting researching the history...I don't want it to be a dry history...but personal stories of people living here and there are many.

I am cooking the dogs liver and it is done...gotta run. I cut it up into small pieces and add rice and veggies that I save from left overs and then freeze individual meals for the dogs.

Love to all,

beth bennett said...

Great idea Nancy about the stories that make up our history.

Sad about Randy's dad that the past is affecting his life now.

We are having a quiet evening with hockey on in the other room.

Now I have to think about my blog.

I should do it early in the day.

O well.
