Monday, December 25, 2017


As a child I loved everything about Christmas.
I loved hearing the story of the birth of the baby with angels and a bright star.
We attended a big church and the music was magnificent with a huge choir.
I love the story I read about the baby Jesus who disappeared from the manger scene because a little boy wanted to take him for a ride in his wagon.  Baby Jesus is missing here too.

My Christmas day.  I kept asking is it time now to go see our stockings.  

There was an elderly couple who were like grandparents to me that I would visit after school every once in a while, and we would have them over for Christmas dinner and they would have us over the next ear.  She made me a rag doll which I just loved.

Yesterday dad and I attended church and then when Rick arrived he and I went to the store.

The big advent was going to Sandra and Randy's to see Mary and Simone and Sebastien, Stephen and Shawna and Lincoln and Seeley, Craig and Leah and Ophelia.  They were all very happy and excited.
Santa Clause was a big hit except for Ophelia who was afraid of him.  He was very jolly and gave the children presents.

Shawna gave us a family calender which is a beautiful treasure of memories and a good reminder of dates.

Rick is up now and it is time to walk Haiti.  Pictures and corrections later.

Ophelia is sick this morning so they are not coming over.


nancy-Lou said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS, LARRY AND BETH AND THE REST OF THE CLAN! I imagine you are all full of turkey and the trimmings and having a little rest now. Sandra's house must be jumping with all the fun going on there.

The manger and the baby Jesus have always been the focal point on Christmas Day haven't they? I laughed when I saw a video on you tube where the little children were at the front of the church with a manger scene and of course the baby (doll ) in the manger. someone was reading the story and one of the little girls grabbed the baby and took off with it and wouldn't give it back when one of the older girls tried to get it away from her. The congregation were laughing....

We had a sad Christmas Day without anyone here. I have been so sick with the flu which is bronchitis now, that I haven't been able to cook for a few days. Carl cooks and does what he can. I didn't want any of the family to get sick they stayed home. The first time in 57 years we haven't had our sons with us. I called the emergency dept at our local hospital...30 minutes one way so not really local. they said there was a doctor there and they were pretty I didn't go. may go tomorrow if there is a doctor there.

I look forward to seeing lots of photos of the christmas your photos Beth. Carol and Theresa took some great ones too. it must be very different having Christmas down where it is so warm.

Have a good rest tonight...

Love to all,

beth bennett said...

I am so sorry to hear you are so sick.

A disappointing time for you all.

Hope you can get to the doctor to-morrow.

Having the stomach flu really took a lot of the joy out of Christmas
but they are better now.

Take care.

Love Beth