Wednesday, December 20, 2017


                                               A happy threesome ended up at our house today.
Kim picked up Oliver and also got Panteli's car from Ladner.  We now have our car back and Kim's car will be towed over to the garage tomorrow. 

Oliver fixed the garage door but it really is in bad shape.  Thankful to have the car safe off the street.

Leah dropped by to use our saw.  She will come by tomorrow to make some blocks for  Ophelia.

We had a great visit with salad from Kim and a few sandwiches as my contribution.

Just a quick update as I am bone weary. so thankful Leah gave me my shot to help my bones today.


Sandra said...

I keep calling the house but it just goes to voice mail. Did you get your old number back? Is your cell number still the same?

I am working from home today after dropping my car off to get the windshield replaced. Randy just doubled so he will be at home sleeping.

Dont imagine Stephen will get her before 6pm.


beth bennett said...

They will be so happy to be there.

I had an upset stomach today after I took the last two nasty pills.

So dad and I were both a little down.

Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Love mpm