Monday, December 4, 2017


                                    Yes, a farm fresh egg makes the same mess as any other egg when dropped.

The raccoons have learnt  to open up our compost pail and what a mess they leave.  I would like to feed them but the neighbors do not want us to.

The house is very messy with crumbs from Christmas cake on the rug,  the dining room mess with Christmas cards and stamps. my computer room books everywhere, dog hairs seem to come out of nowhere and stick with great determination into the living room rug.  The laundry is started but needs to be dried and sorted.

I am trying to keep track of pills and appointments as well as monitor dad's reactions to his new pills.

My walking shoes are full of holes so my feet get wet as well as cold.  I am thankful that it is dry and sunny today so no need to rush out and purchase more.

Dad complains that I am a messy cook and compared to him I am.  He cleans up as he goes along.

A tiny bit of the sun running off to leave us.
promising to be back to-morrow.
A tiny moment of beauty but enough to replace worry with wonder!

Dad and I went to the library but he did not go in as he was having stomach cramps.  I pick out his books anyway as he looks at magazines and newspapers.

I have mumbled and grumbled through this day and now I am ready to read Agatha Christie and discover life is all about messes and mysteries, love and hate.

The messages of Jesus can also be shrouded in mystery.


Sandra said...

Yes, that does sound like a grumbly kind of day. I am a messy cook too and Randy is the opposite. He does not complain anymore, just does not help me clean up either.

I need new shoes too, and a new walking coat for the winter. I mean, when the homeless people on the street look better dressed then you do I think it is a sign to upgrade.

I wonder how many people have called the police to report a homeless person in the neighbourhood after seeing me walking early in the morning or late at night, the same hours the other vagrants are out and about.

I am trying to increase my speed on my walks with Peanut, get the heart beating a bit more than it does on our typical stroll. Plus give my hamstrings more of a work out as they are getting so darn tight from sitting so much.


beth bennett said...

Well Sandra is that keeping you humble?

If people offer you money you will know it is getting bad.

You will need a warm coat as it is colcand frosty!

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...
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Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, raccoons are clever little devils. (Hmmm - that gives me an idea for a story.)

I think the egg picture is upside down, but I can't think why I think that. I mean, it is just lying there broken. Why would one way be way up than another.

I too, clean up later after cooking. Often days later. In fact, on Saturday morning I often start the weekend by doing all the dishes that have accumulated since the previous Saturday.

I need a good detective novel, especially as I won't be getting satellite TV back until January when the new owners move in upstairs.



Anonymous said...

The kids have their end of school concert today. The weather is ok. We are all sick again. Matt and I are seeing a dr after school.
It was. Nonna’s birthday yesterday we went to all you can eat because it’s jasmines favourite.
Ps Dad may have an reaction to FODMAPS. GOOGLE IT.

beth bennett said...

Unbelieveable Ken that your family is sick again
I pray every day for you guys.
I will tell dad about food maps
but he does not listen to me when it comes to eating.
He is still having stomach problems.
We both need to eat better.

Rick you could go to the library for a good mystery.
I got dad a good one called "Racing The Devil" by Charles Todd.
I like the fact that you can get several and usually find one that keeps you interested.

I guess I should have stood on my head to take the egg picture.

I am thankful dad does the dishes when I make the effort to cook.

Love mom