Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Thankful that dad is now home.

I am thankful that through all the stress of the day we felt calm.  

The nurse that had met us at the door of the emergency spoke calmly and compassionately telling me I could not go in and be with dad.  We had expected this.

Dad had faced his fears that come with pain and realized he needed to find out the answers of what was causing it.  All the tests at the hospital tell him his heart is okay for now but in the future be quicker to seek help.

We live in a world where there is much uncertainty and it is important to try and keep calm.

I was so thankful that as a family we were in touch with each other.

I was thankful that Carol did the driving to the hospital and home and then back again.
She was there when we needed her and she encouraged me to rest when she had to go home to take care of a problem that had arisen.  She came back with food that I needed.  We walked Spenser over to the park together.  The familiar path was calming.

Jesus spoke to his disciples the words all our hearts need to hear to not be afraid and to not let your heart be troubled.

No one knows the future it is out of our control in many ways.

Today is a new day for us all.

It helps to write down my feelings and to look forward to a day doing some gardening that I find calming.  

I am thankful the sun is shining and dad is home.


nancy-Lou said...

Very thankful Larry went to emergency. Good that the tests came back ok. So scary for you both. Also glad Carol lives close by and could take you. You wouldn’t want to drive when you are upset Beth.
I am waiting fir the heart scan right now. Had a radioactive injection. Waiting fir it to reach the heart. All easy stuff. Friday I do the same thing but have to walk on treadmill. This is the resting part easy peasey.
Larry, you just take it easy fir awhile.
It is very hot 33 with humidrx of 38.severe Weather warnings out for Winnipeg and Victoria beach. Should be an interesting ride home.
Ken is running errands.

Ken Bennett said...

Good news the blood tests were positive.I hope Dad is keeping up with the heart burn tablets? maybe it was too much good food ?? Both kids are home sick today. Any symptom and they send the kids home and with it a 50 mins round trip i would rather keep them home for the day .
Only a week until school holidays!!!

beth bennett said...

Hi Ken,

Hope everyone feels better.

Ready for holidays I am sure.

Thanks for phoning dad.

How are you?

How is Melina?

Love mom

beth bennett said...

Thanks Nancy.
Good luck on your heart test.

I do not do well on the tread mill.

So good of you to comment.

Love beth

Sandra said...

A long day and not a lot in the way of answers. Did they do any testing other than blood work? Very stressful day for me yesterday as it was the first paystubs with the new program. Lots of employees looking for help.

beth bennett said...

A long day for you at work and trying to keep up with what was happening with dad.

They did the test they always do first when they put those markers on you.

They also did an x-ray.

They did two blood tests.

Sent results to his doctor.

Next time we will go to Surrey which is better for heart problems.

It will be a warm sunny day for father's.

Looking forward to seeing the gang!

There was no way dad was going to miss that.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Being calm is always good. Hopefully lots of sun for the gardening you are looking forward to!



beth bennett said...

Yes Rick sun is good too.

Love mom