Sunday, June 7, 2020


Yesterday I woke up to a loud burst of thunder.
It was followed with a heavy rain.
Yesterday I spent no time on the computer
as trying to down load pictures was time consuming.
Yesterday Spenser refused to walk in the rain
so we met some old friends by going later.

Yesterday dad and I burnt our lunch
and dad was worn out and discouraged.

Yesterday I forgot to contack the painters

Yesterday I lot the peace of paper that had dad's new eye appointments written down.
but we just need to phone the office back.

              Yesterday I talked to my dear friend Jane  Today I will phone my brother.

Yesterday we welcomed the invitation to have supper with Carol and Panteli and Kim.
we did a lot of talking about the yesterdays of our school lives.
Lots of funny and interesting stories.

Yesterday ended with us watching Heartbeat.
That is what we do on Saturday.

Sunday I spent  the morning reading inspiration words of wisdom.

"The truth even though I may not feel it right now is that I am a chosen child of God  (as we all are) precius in God's eyes, called the beloved from all eternity and held safe in an every lasting embrace."  
-Henri Nouven "You are the Beloved."

I have learned that people will forget what you have said and forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel."  -Maya Angelou

"That we are here is  huge affirmation somehow life needed us and wanted us to be.
This fees us to be drawn into a natural courage that casts out fear and opens up our lives 
to be vogages of discovery, creativity and compassion and love.
What ever comes, the great sacrament of life will remain faithful to us, blessing us always with visible sings invisible grace.  We merely need to trust." -John O'Donohue

Spiritual experiences come from the heart that is open,  seeking and trusting.
Prayer is listening to your inner power that flows within us from the power of love that is universal.

They inspire us and heal us.

"The real hope in something we think we can do or be but in
 God who is making something good out of it in some way we cannot always see." -Thomas Merton

"He heals the broken- hearted and binds up their wounds (with his love.  Psalm 147:3

This I have experienced

That is my last word for today


Steady-as-rain said...

I am sure Uncle Brian will welcome your call.

Burning lunch can be a nuisance. Sometimes it can be a good excuse to go to Whitespot, or someplace similar.

No thunder around here. or, if there was, I didn't hear it.

Greengrass called himself a "lovable rouge" on Heartbeat last night. Which I thought was accurate. It was nice that he tried to help that boy. And it all turned out well in the end, which is one of the nice things about Heartbeat.

"natural courage" - that is a good phrase.

Apparently Christopher is having trouble getting a full amount of hours at work. Hopefully, now that things are starting up again he will be getting more hours.

I am always losing scraps of paper.



beth bennett said...

Yes Rick if Carol had not asked us out we would have gone to The White Spot.

Greengrass is certainly a character.

Dad's back is improving but his eye which was operated on is worse
his legs and feet hurt and he feels tired.

I think tiredness is an universal complaint.

Thanks for your interesting comments.

Love mom

Sandra said...

Hey, you said that was your last word and then you said more words!

Has dad called rescheduled his eye apoiintment yet to have it fixed.

Randy and I emptied the garden shed, moved it 5 feet and then put everything back in.


beth bennett said...

No Sandra dad has not phone the doctor.

Wow you and Randy are amazing.

Keep up making the world more beautiful.

Love mom