Wednesday, June 10, 2020


The message of the prostesters and the message at the church service was that it was time for all people to be treated equally.  We all have the right to breath and to be treated justly.  We are seeing pictures that make violence real.  A cruel world where children do not learn to trust the police but to fear them.  The message is not new there have been many whose life has been taken from them by the cruelty of the ones who should be protecting them.  How can this be we ask ourselves?  We each have a part to play.  The message is clear it is a time for change. 

The message of Jesus disturbed the people in his home town and because of this he was rejected and driven out.  He was sent to release those who had been treated as slaves and captives and it was time they were set free.  His message is clear that we are here to serve one another with love and compassion.  

We waited for the doctor's phone call.  He was dad's skin doctor.  They have a good relationship and the call was helpful.  A new appointment was set for Aug. 13.

Health is a big problem as we age and old injuries start to give us pain.

We need the wisdom of medicine to help us know what the body is saying.
They may take time to diagnose exactly what is wrong.  

Our empty cupboard was giving us a message that we needed to do a big shopping.  This takes the two of us.  There was no waiting to get in but the security guard was writing done the number of people who were entering.  We all are aware of social distancing and the need of cleanliness.  Yes, we followed the arrows.

We have a car full of food but we go over to Brown's where it will be cooked for us.  We have to sign in for the purpose of tracing.  Plastic shields are in place to keep every one separate.

I remember what it was like when I fell off a fence as a child and I couldn't breath.  It is scary.

No one has the right to use violence to stop us breathing, to choke the live out of another,  was the message at the funeral service.

A good day to celebrate Kim's birthday together!


Steady-as-rain said...

Another nice photograph.

Good you followed the arrows at the grocery store!

The kidney clinic at the Kamloops hospital called this morning and it seems they are taking this seriously. Anyway, I have to get yet more blood tests done and then they will decide how long until they see me in person. So I am back to the lab again this afternoon.

No man is a prophet in his own home town.



Anonymous said...

Bad people come in many disguises. Randy and I watched the Jeffrey Epstein documentary on Netflix. From the sounds of it he came across as very nice and friendly and philanthropic, but under all that was a very bad man.

Our cupboards are a little sad too, Randy has been working more lately and I have not picked up any of the shopping duties. When the last crust of bread is gone and not a single egg or can of beans maybe.


Anonymous said...


Yes Dear, everyone in this world must have justice! It has been lacking in the lives of many groups of people, all around the wold, for hundreds of years.

If a group is different than the majority in any way, very often they are abused directly by the police, and in many other ways by the state.

If you are poor, the wrong color, have the wrong accent, wrong church, any first nation person basically anywhere in the world, Canada in particular! Me

The ones given the power, unfortunately often abuse that power!

Nancy said...

Hi Beth and Larry...I am back in business now that my desk top computer is up and running. I set up my home office downstairs in our house and am ready to is so much easier to do business here than on my iPad or my phone.
This is where I have the contact for you blog too...easy to just click and there you are.

Yes, I agree that it is a good thing to talk about some of the health problems etc that one has rather than to just say, I am fine. One time the doctor asked me how I was, when he came in the room and I automatically answered, fine! of course I wasnt otherwise I wouldn't have been there!

We thought all the hard work has been done...we cleaned out the multitude of stuff Ken had in his basement and garage and also the house...have a lot to charity and some went to the dump...prepared it for sale and listed it just before theMay long weekend...and we got this house ready to move into...all in six weeks. We had this house plastered and new drywall put up on some walls..then all painted flooring and new wood stove...and we built a new vegetable garden and it is planted and coming up. We have been so busy.

Ken has had viewings of his house. but no offers so now he is thinking of renting by the week for the summer season which means that we have to furnish it and supply it with all the stuff one needs..linens, kitchen will be a lot of work. So we are going to have to go furniture shopping etc soon.

it is nice to hear that you are enjoying Spencer...isn`t it lovely to have a dog? We love our little guy so much. He is a Miniature Schnauzer and his name is Pedro. He was re homed from a kennel where he was a stud dog for three years. He is very handsome and his markings are lovely. He is such a sweet natured little guy...he talks to us...rather hard to describe how he does it, but when he greets us after we arrive home...he talks and tells us how much he misses us.

Ok, time to get ready for bed. We are both tired again tonight.

It is good to catch up on everything...I will be able to comment more often now,

have a good sleep,
Love Nancy