Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Dad felt good enough to drive in to Delta.
We have been feeling disconnected.
Very good to see Oliver and reconnect.
He also had a jar of his own canned salmon to give us.
Kim had finished the first day back at school/
She is reconnect with her students.
Lots of new gardens to view.
Panteli has made this
This garden was created by Panteli 
the dirt built up and the wooden logs to shape it into place.
It is on the far side of the sundeck and is doing well.
Plants everywhere by Kim.
Not great pictures but gives you an idea,
Dad has purchased a new phone for me.
So I will be doing a lot of connecting!
We have to figure out how to work it,

The virus has spread world wide and now the protests against police violent against the blacks is spreading.  There are many people marching inmany cities in the Sates and in other countries.

The marches attract peaceful marchers but also violent gangs who distroy property and create destruction and looting.

The President seems to fuel the flame of unrest with his words.
He is not connecting to the pain of the protester who are demanding justice.

Dad and I connected to the White Spot.  They have plastic see through masks and have lots of new rules about where you can or cannot sit.  Our favorite waitress was very happy to see us and we were happy to be there.

Dad had a painful night last night but is doing okay today.

The house cleaners came yesterday so that made me happy.

The sun is out and Spenser and I walk to the park.

I am happy my picture from my camera have gone on my computer.
I do not know why they wouldn't down load
and I do not know why they did!


Sandra said...

Glad to hear you are about and about and feeling better. Things are slowly starting to feel a bit more like normal.

Busy day at work today, I really want a vacation!


Steady-as-rain said...

Nice to see a photo of Oliver and Kim.

I am glad you were able to go back to the Whitespot - it is good to get back into routine sometimes. Wonderful your favourite waitress was there to greet you!

I am very sleepy tonight. Good thing it isn't a Saturday as I don't think I could stay awake until the end of Heartbeat!

Two job interviews coming up in the next week.



beth bennett said...

Good luck Rick.

A dull rainy day makes me feel tired too.

Sandra when are you going to have a vacation?

Love mom

Anonymous said...

I am stood down until 23June , with luck will be back to work mid July ?? This is the second last day of home schooling. The kids are back to school Tuesday after our long weekend.
Jasmine has her Coeliac specialist appointment Tuesday morning at the Children's hospital.
I cant go in as only one parent can go in ,I will wait in the car .

Sandra said...

Oh, I have no plans for a vacation, just dreaming right now.