Monday, June 22, 2020


Sometimes you do not know what you are getting into.

Sandra picked up dad at 10:30 and they are not home yet and it is 4 o'clock.  Dad has had the surgery but the pills Adivan has made him confused and he is falling over and wants to go home.  He is not happy with the added wait at the doctor's office.  He has had a donough and a pop and Sandra grabed a sandwich.  I think it was very poorly run procedure.

I will add more when they get home.

Dad is home now.  He is very unsteady on his feet and I have to tell him not to move anywhere.
He has eye drops that have to be put in hourly.  He was on a bed before, during and after the operation.

He was hungry and ate supper and we will be going to bed early.

We are both very grateful for Sandra's help.


Ken Bennett said...

I hope Dad gets home soon. A good nights sleep will do wonders . The Canadian medical system is truly broke. I guess all I get is feed back from you and from the rest of the family . Here , when its important I pay cash direct to the Dr and get to the head of the line with specialist procedures. I think Dad should do that as well , get better care by going Private .


nancy-Lou said...

Good grief Beth, did Larry have cataract surgery in an office? Surely not? In Manitoba it is done is an operating room at a hospital that specializes in eye surgeries of all kinds. It takes about 5 to 6 hours to be released to come home..IF there are no complications.
I sure hope that Larry is home now and able to rest in his own bed.
You have a patch on the eye and go back the next day to have it removed and the doctor examines it in his office.

What a worry for you and Sandra too.

We were working again at the cottage that we are renting out this summer. It is looking pretty good now. I had to wash down and polish all the furniture that we was second hand.
Tomorrow should be an interesting day, because we are going to IKEA in Winnipeg to buy all the linens we need plus a few more things. It is on the far side of Winnipeg. Quite a long drive. We have to have the cottage ready for rental for this Saturday. It has been a lot of work. It was totally empty after we moved out in we had to get a lot of things for it. It is for sale, but the market is slow with the Covoid virus. Ken may have to hang on to it for another year...we will see.
We don't have privatized medicine in cannot pay to go to the head of the line..I don't think that is a good idea really. We don't seem to have a problem getting in to see specialists if we need to. There is long wait for cataract surgery and orthopecic surgeries though and some folks go down to the Mayo clinic in Minnesta and pay. the weathly ones.

Please let us know Beth how Larry is doing. I cannot see them sending him home if he is falling down and confused...

Love to you both,

beth bennett said...

The surgery was done in the hospital and then they went back over to the clinic.

I am worried about to-night when he has to get up.

Glad it is offer, he sees the doctor on Friday and has an eye patch to wear at night.

I better make sure he does not move.

Love Beth

Sandra said...

Just a reminder it is every two hours, not every hour for the eye drops.

And his appointment with Dr Tam is next Tuesday.

Oh, and the painter is coming today at 10:30!

I was a long day, I think maybe they must have mentioned how long the day was going to be at some point and dad had forgotten. Yes, it would have been nice to know ahead of time as I would have brought my laptop and some water.

I hope dad is less wobbly today and notices some improvement in his sight so he feels like it was worth it.


beth bennett said...

No Sandra they did not mention it would be a lengthy time before and after the surgery.

We were told the procedure would be quick about 15 minutes.

We should have asked more questions.

Thanks again.

Love mom