Sunday, June 28, 2020


I will cancel the other picture of dad.
I think this  is better.
So many celebrations and parties and plans and goals have been cancelled.

Dad wants to fly and see his best friend Larry in Toronto.  His mind and his memory is not working.
 It is a blessing when we can share memories even when we do not always remember them the same.

Dad's balance is not good.  He he willing to travel in a wheel chair?  We have both become unsteady.

For many reasons we long for the good old days.  It was no big deal if you have a fall because you just get up.  Now that our knees have become weaker it is hard to do.

We have to be patient with each other as our abilities have changed.  Now is the time to view our lives with new lenses.  We think the same as we used to do.  Oh sure I can do that but the reality is we cannot.  This causes emotional stress and anxiety.  We keep hoping we can do what we used to be able to do and the quality of our lives are restored.

To live well we need a purpose and that can mean changing our goals and expectations of ourselves and of others. 

Just keep moving the best we can.  Some days it is just the fact we have gotten up and out of bed.

Simply do your best!


Steady-as-rain said...

I think it would be good for Dad to see his old friend Mr. Olsen again, maybe for the last time.

My start date for my new job got pushed backed until Thursday. It is all remote so it doesn't even really feel like a real change. To start a new job working from home seems strange.

The California governor just closed down the bars in some parts of the state today, including Ventura.

I see the kidney specialist on July 29th.

I hope Kenny can get a good arrangement with his employer, hopefully keep on working.



Steady-as-rain said...

I remember letting go the big owls. Now that I think of it, Tsawwassen really wasn't that far from the airport as a bird flies. I don't remember the arrow thing, or Kenny falling through a floor.

beth bennett said...

Good news Rick, about your job.

Who are you working for?

Good news Hamlet does not have Covid-19.

It will be a difficult visit because of Larry's mental state
and he cannot carry on a conversation.

Dad cannot walk without falling.

Sometimes we cannot do what we really want to.

Love mom

Ken Bennett said...

Great news Rick. Quite day today.Matthew and Jasmine want a TV for their bedroom. I think it would be ok for dad to travel ,as long as he found some support to travel with him. Maybe Dad needs antibiotics for his inner ear/balance problems?
Have a good day and rest up Both of you.


nancy-Lou said...

Oh my goodness that is not good news Beth, about Larry? Do you think he had a small stroke when he had the cataract surgery? Or was he like this before the surgery? It makes it awfully difficult for you.
I well know what you are going is a lot more physical work for you, but it is the loss of your partner that is really hard...the conversations and sharing of the work load etc. My thoughts really go out to you. It takes a lot of patience, that is for sure.
You will need some respite time too...where someone comes in and cares for Larry while you get out to do some shopping or visiting or whatever you want to do for a few hours.
Be sure and ask for help...ok? Dont try to do it all yourself! Home care and families will help.

Congratulations to Rick on the new job! Working from home will be very different! I guess it has good qualities and not so good too. Let us know how you like it Rick.
I hope the appointment with the kidney specialist goes well for you.

It has been a terribly hot day here. 37C with high humidity. I waited to take Pedro for his walk until this evening and it will be a fairly short one...but He needs to get out for a walk. My friend, Gina has a little dog that is one ball of motion. She brings her over here to play with Pedro and he is pooped afterwards for a day! She is 9 months old and he is 5. He is such a sweet natured fellow...very good with the puppy. Lets her harass him lol.

The first renters are in the cottage now...and we haven't heard a word. That is good! Ken has a property manager who handles things, which is less stress for him. You can see the photos of the cottage on my facebook page...just curse down. It is for sale as well.

Maybe Larry's friend could travel to visit with him instead of Larry flying there?

Well, off to brave the heat and the mosquitoes...may have to wear one of those nets over my hat..awe the joys of summer. I do not care for summer. I like winter better believe it or not! Spring and fall are lovely too...but the last few years they have been short.

Have a good rest tonight are in my thoughts and prayers,
Love to you both,

Sandra said...

It is a nice thought to be go and see Larry Olson, but really it isn't all that likely to happen. Good to have something to look forward to, plan for.

We spent the day painting and then cleaning up. It was a good thing the sun did not come out to later as it made it easier to stick to the job. We still have more to do.


beth bennett said...

Yes Dad needs to be feeling better
before he can travel.

Off to Surrey Hospital to pick up Hormone shots.

Love mom

Shandel said...

Sending lots of good healing vibes Grandpa.